42: His Deepest Desires

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*Dennis X Oc.  (This one shot is based off an idea I had of Dennis's eternal struggles with himself and what it turns into. This is even more supernatural then the movie has.)

The Horde was at it again kidnapping and feeding the Beast for strength, Dennis was on edge always having to do the kidnappings.

He was watching young girls again knowing he wasn't allowed to engaged in such behavior but lately it had become almost overwhelming not to sneak.

For a few weeks while watching those who he was set to kidnap sometimes he would hear a female like voice in his ear telling him what he really wanted from those young girls. Dennis would just shake it off and then ask the other alters later on if they were trying to talk to him while he was in the light but they always told him no they haven't.

It was complete mystery to him who and what this voice was coming from. Also he felt like someone was following him whenever he was in the light. It was starting to get to him. The others didn't believe him not even the Beast. He felt alone in the matter and tried to over look it.

It was just like any evening watching people, watching the new Impure's that was picked out a few days before when it happened again.

*The voice is in dark letters*

Dennis shakes his head trying to not think about the Impure's that way.

"Such pretty young things aren't they?" the sweet voice say to to him.

"Stop.." He tells it. 

"Look at those curves and the way they do cart wheels"

He put's both hands on his head. "Look at them Denniss.." Dennis's head tilts up to look.

"Mmm think how warm they are, how they would look dancing for you naked, rubbing against you" Dennis grips the steering wheel harder.

"I'm trying...to be..good" he can feel his pants get tighter as he watches them. The voice making it even harder to resist the thoughts.

"Aww don't torture yourself so..who cares what Patricia would say or anyone else for that matter. Fuck them and their opinions."

Dennis tries to blurt out something "But..I have to.. do this for The Beast. For the plans" 

The voice laughs "Ooh poor Dennis, what about you? huh? What about what you want?"

"What I, want?" He says as he licks his lips. "Yes Dennis, what you desire most."

Dennis looks down then back up breathing hard his eyes really staring at those girls.

"Dennis, I want you to imagine those girls naked, you laying on your bed. They are up on you rubbing their hands all over you saying how much they need you to take them like the filthy Impure's they are and fuck them."

He's now digging his nails into the steering wheel and the pressure of his pants against his erection is getting painful.

"Dennisss" the voice says in a hiss "Touch yourself, let go...Do what you desperately need to do to feel. Do it now..." Dennis unzips himself quickly and pulls his cock out and starts stroking himself at a fast pace while staring at the girls. The voice talking to him at the same time in a girly like voice that sounds much younger then before.

He's really rubbing on himself now, with his eyes closed and head leaning against the headrest, then it feels like someone is licking the head of his cock, swirling their wet tongue around and around slowly. His breathing picks up one hand on the wheel still gripping tighter.

"UUHGH." He moans and grits his teeth. "Feel it...feel it all" now it feels like someone is sucking on his neck and earlobe, nipping it to. The feelings so real and intense like he's not alone but with a girl.

The hand he's been using then stops and slides to the side of his leg and he looks down confused. "What.."

The sensation of being sucked off starts to happen, the feeling of warm wet lips wrapped around his cock making him groan, he's never felt anything like it before. "ahhFuck!"

"Do you like that Dennis?" 


"Just think about taking their sweet virginity when you kidnap them.. UHH DENNIS! MMM FEELS soo good!!"

"They be begging you to take it. *In a cute teen voice* Oh Please Dennis! Please make me cum! Please.. before I die, please make me feel good one last time..please!! I need your cock inside me!" the voice says with a giggle.

Dennis throws his head back and cums hard "uuh..fucck!"

His head hits the headrest and he's staring upwards breathing hard. He realizes what he just did and could of been seen maybe so he cleans himself up and tucks himself away, zipping up his pants.

Dennis pulls out of the area he was parked in and drives off back to the zoo.

A few days later..

He had got the new Impure's locked away in a room just like the last time. Once in awhile he would remember that day the voice had spoken to him. he couldn't get over how it affected him so deeply.

Dennis would think about what it said about the girls wanting him sexually while he would check on the Impure's they had captive now.

Patricia had told him to stay focused on his task and stop day dreaming so much.

What was this voice this most likely female that was like haunting him almost. After informing the girls on what they were there for and the whole standard convo he's had many times over.

Dennis walks to his room tired and falls over on his bed. When he thinks he's going to get some needed peace, the voice speaks to him again.

"Dennis" He jumps at the voice and looks around trying to figure out where the voice was coming from because it didn't sound like in the car near his ear but somewhere else in the room. His eyes finally spot something in the chair in the corner. Dennis shallows hard seeing two glowing eyes staring at him.

"What.. who are you?" It laughs in the darkness and then gets up and comes into the low lamp light. It's a beautiful woman with very long blood red hair and greenish yellow eyes, red lips, fair skin and a perfect body all dressed in white silks, draping just barely covering her most private areas. She looked like some kind of Greek goddess.

"Iv'e always been here..but you made me stronger, with your desires, lust and fantasies. I can be anything or anybody you ever wanted, Sweet Dennis." She crawls on the bed and her nose is almost touching his.

Dennis is in almost a trance from her sheer glowing eyes. "You can change form?"

"Yes." "What is your name?" "I don't have.. a human name yet. Name me Dennis, anything you like" Dennis tries to think of a name that would suit such a creature like her. "Scarlet" She smiles at him.

"Where are you from?" He asks her getting closer. "I'm from a different land, one that lays between this world and the next. I was formed long ago but now I've gathered enough strength to come here. I'm like Kevin's Beast. I am glorious"

She kisses him passionately. But he gets up and walks around trying to make sense of all of this.

Oh I almost forgot you like your girls *her voice switches to a teens voice* "Young.." He turns to look at her and she looks like pretty young teen around 17 with still red hair but in pig tails and cute little jean shorts and a white tee shirt. "Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you"

He grins and says in a huskily voice "Dance for me"

She smiles wickedly.


*You all can decide what she is exactly. She comes from the same world as the Beast Hope you liked this crazy one shot. :D*

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