Chapter Nine - Invisible Girl

Start from the beginning

This was voice was different compared to the monsters. It sounded human and really nice. Luke and Ares didn't seem alarmed by the voice as they talked in hushed whispers.

The world suddenly changed from the dark woods into a brightly lit garden. I stumbled backward confused by the sudden change.

"What?" I asked out loud noticing the white arch that was above me. My arms suddenly tensed up as my spine shivered nervously.

"Don't be too surprised." I snapped upwards to see a man in a white suit standing near me. "Your asleep right now."

He started walking towards me which made me take a few steps back not trusting my instincts. The man paused noticing my narrowed eyes.

He frowned looking at me, his red eyes showing his confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked sounding genuinely confused.

I stared at him more confused than suspicious at this point. He seemed more hurt by my suspicion of him. And my instincts seemed to have died down a bit. Maybe it was because I was caught off guard?

"I don't know you," I told him deciding to be honest.

His blood-red eyes seemed to brighten as he gave me a rather gentle smile. "I am Eros the god of love."

"Oh," I responded confused. Why did my nervous freak out over a god? They didn't do that when I meet Hermes and Ares. Then again all the gods seemed a bit scared when his name was brought up during the meeting. "I'm (F/N) (L/N)."

Eros smiled got a bit bigger as I allowed him to get closer to me. He let out a small chuckle as he ruffled my hair. "It's very nice to officially meet you, (F/N)."

I nodded in agreement finally having a face to put to the name Eros. He had long black hair that reached his shoulders with blood-red eyes. But the detail that stood out the most to me was the pair of white feathery wings on his back. How did I notice those things earlier?

"Your father wanted to come too but he, unfortunately, got caught up with work. Something about a missing helm and Hades just being in a bad mood." Eros sighed as I felt my stomach tighten a bit.

"What's a helm?" I asked clenching my fist nervously. I didn't want it to be what I thought it was.

"It's just a shortened word for helmet. Hades has a helmet called the helm of darkness an important weapon." Why did Luke have to steal that? "Oh, your wondering about that boy Luke Castellan."

I nodded not bothering to lie since he was watching the discussion between Ares and Luke.

Eros sighed rubbing his forehead with a frown. "He stole two important weapons the master bolt from Zeus and the helm of darkness from Hades. I should find him a lover! A good girl or boy who will accept him no matter what. Then when he is in his last moments he'll see what a hero he was to everyone."

Honestly, most of that flew over my head since I didn't understand most of it. I'm guessing it had something to do with romance. I've caught mommy watching movies with the same idea of a bad boy turning good because of a girl. She would always scoff and tell me how unrealistic that was since people, especially men, could never truly change. They could pretend they were different but they'd always be the same.

I could tell she actually really enjoyed those kinds of movies. Since she watches them a lot.

"I'll have to work it out later." Eros decided gaining my attention since he stopped blabbering about romance. "You shouldn't worry about Luke Castellan. My father has always kept his word when it comes to war. If Luke gets discovered it won't be because of him."

Death Girl [Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now