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hi everyone! I posted chapter 31 yesterday, so make sure you've read that one first!!

hi everyone! I posted chapter 31 yesterday, so make sure you've read that one first!!

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Harry's POV:

"Sorry, I'll be right back." I stood up from the table, glancing nervously around. I didn't want to leave during the bridge game, Louis was having so much fun with Brendon, but I had to take this call.

"Harry? I need to talk–"

"Yeah." I muttered, walking into my room and shutting the door behind me. "Now isn't a good time, Lindsay." I shook my head. I just wanted to get back to the lads and get to know Louis' friend better. I knew how important this night was for him and didn't want to miss out because of Lindsay.

"Things are getting worse. It's not stopping." Her voice was shaking. My heart rate picked up at the pure fear in her tone.

"What happened this time?" I swallowed, bracing myself for what was to come.

"They're everywhere! On my phone, sent to my office, my house, my friends house!" She sounded on the verge of crying. "I did what you said, but I don't think it's enough."

"I'm looking into everything at work. As long as you're following my directions, you're going to be fine." I told her, pacing around my room.

"I'm worried about Louis." Her voice cracked. I heard her clear her throat.

"I... I am too."


[Two days later]

"Harry! Long time no see. Great shirt, it really compliments your eyes—"

I opened the door to find an amused looking Louis and our landlord, Mr. Donovan, who was anything but happy.

"He lives with you?" Mr. Donovan was holding Louis' bicep, cutting him off with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, what happened?" My face contorted in confusion from where I stood in the door frame. "What did you do?" I asked Louis accusingly after seeing him laugh smugly.

"Me? This man is insane, Harry. He's practically taken me hostage, you've got to help–" Louis' voice was coated in sarcasm, pretending to act scared, but ending his rant with a cheeky smile.

"What did he do?" I cut Louis off, turning to Mr. Donovan with an apologetic wince.

"I found him breaking into mailboxes in the lobby." He spoke up, holding up a broken lock in his hand. It looked like the metal lock had been snapped open and permanently damaged. "He broke into two of them."

"Well, you're a right snitch. I thought we'd bonded a bit on our walk upstairs. You were certainly handsy enough." Louis scoffed, shaking his arm from the man's grip forcefully.

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