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frickity frack darn dack, I was reading the comments on some of the chapters and you guys are freaking funny

I published this for like 3.02627 seconds when it wasn't done, so sorry if that disappointed you at all when it wasn't an update


Harry's POV:

"I'm sorry, but I can't work with him." The therapist came out of her office, a distressed look on her face.

"What?" I stood up from the waiting room chair.

"I am used to patients who are not compliant, but he is something completely different." Her face was red and she tucked her hair behind her ear every few seconds.

"I don't understand." I shook my head. "How can you deny a patient. I know he is difficult, but—"

"He deliberately made assumptions about my sex life, before insulting my intelligence and... many other things." She crossed her arms. My eyes widened.

"He did what?" I questioned.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" She motioned to walk into her office. I sighed and followed her in. Louis was lying down on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

He looked over at the two of us and gave me a cheeky smile. "Oh, hello, Harry." He greeted, his tone jubilant as ever.

"What's going on." I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm just trying to talk about my feelings." He mumbled innocently. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, we're gonna go." I motioned for him to get up.

"Okay, nice talking to you, Doc. See you soon I'm sure." Louis disclosed, walking straight out of the office without another look.

"I'm sorry about him." I apologized.

"Oh, he's fine. I just don't think I am the right therapist for him. And I don't think he is used to connecting with women. We would not be a very good fit." She spoke kindly, as she was now more calm.

"I have a few therapists to recommend," She handed me two business cards. "They are much more resilient to his... type of behavior."

"Thank you so much." I said before following Louis out of the building and into the car. He was already inside the car as I walked through the car park. I rubbed my forehead and let out a deep breath before getting in and shutting my door.

"So, how'd it go?" I asked sarcastically.

"Great. I feel like a changed man." He answered, his sardonic tone so believable, I almost couldn't tell he was mocking me.

"Lou, I know this is hard for you, but she didn't deserve that treatment." I said, making no move to start he car. He rolled his eyes.

"I was treating her the same way she was acting towards me." He looked out of his window.

"Which was?"

"Condescending." He put it shortly.

"What do you mean?" I pressed.

"By asking 'And how does that make you feel?' after every single thing I said. I had to shut her up. It was insulting." He muttered.

"I told you that if you got uncomfortable you could come and get me at anytime." I reminded him. He glanced toward me before returning his gaze out the window.

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