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"Louis! Go to your room right now!" Lindsay screamed, pointing down the hall to Louis' small bedroom.

"But Mummy! I haven't done anything! I was good all day!" Louis pouted, tears threatening to spill from his bright blue eyes.

"Your Dad is about to come home. Go now." She told him strictly. She saw as tears started to fall silently down his cheeks.

"A-Are you going to be yelling again?" He asked timidly, afraid of her reaction to the question.

"Louis I don't have time for this! Go to your room and stay there." She ordered frustratedly, feeling powerless in the situation.

She stormed over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of wine. It wasn't her first—or fifth for that matter, of the night.

Her heart increased when she heard a car pull into the driveway. Her eyes went immediately to Louis who was still refusing to go to his room.

Lindsay put her glass down quickly and rushed to Louis, picking him up. She payed no mind to his tantrum and crying and placed him on his bed.

"You have to be quiet!" She commanded. "Lock the door when I leave. Do you understand?!" She yelled at the sobbing boy. "Louis! Lock the door!" She closed the door and listened for a click.

She finally heard him lock it and sighed a breath of relief.

"Be quiet. Please, god, let him be quiet." She whispered as she left to distract the monster in their house.


Harry's POV:

"No, Harry. No." Louis sighed and shook his head as he saw what I was wearing.

"What?" I asked defensively holding my suit jacket and giving him an amused expression.

"It's a teacher conference. Where do you think you're going? To meet the fucking Queen of England?" He ran a hand through his feathery hair.

"I don't see what's wrong with this." I pursued my lips to try and hide my smile.

"Oh my god! Harry this isn't normal." He gestured to my suit. "Put on jeans and a tee."

"I don't wear jeans." I said honestly.

"At least take off the suit jacket." He tried to bargain.

"Then the pants will look silly!" I argued giving him an exaggerated pout. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms

"Because they are silly! Suit jacket or not, you look like a clown." Louis shook his head again.

"Are you embarrassed by me?" I teased him, raising an eyebrow.

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