Chapter 56

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• Chapter 56 •

“Do you trust Crow?” he asked me after a little bit, making me pull away and scoff.

“No. Do you?” I asked, turning to look at his blank face. There was a soft warmth over his eyes that I loved.

“No, he seems fishy.” he replied coolly. “Either way, you’re leaving with a gun from here, you might need it.”

My stomach tightened at the mention of a gun hanging in my waistband but it is something I really do need on my mission to leave this place. Maybe I could just ask him to escort me to the train station and let me walk away without risking my life out on the streets. My plan seems perfect the way it is but if Harry indeed wants to help me, why should I go for the run?

“His girlfriend seems to dislike you.” he noticed, playing with the packet of cigarettes in his hands.

“Yeah well, I don’t like her either.”

“Was it that bad with me? Staying with me?” he asked with a perplexed expression, ticking his head slightly to the side. “Wasn’t I good enough, was there anything missing that you needed—,“

“Just your obsession over killing politicians. We could’ve had an amazing runaway if you had listened to me for once.”

He pursed his lips and looked away in thought. “Maybe I was wrong about you. I thought you were the same as me, that  our visions for the future are matching but it’s obviously nothing like that, right?”

I nodded, knowing he can see me from the corner of his eye. “You could have an amazing, peaceful life, Harry.” my voice came out soft, making him turn and look at me with curiosity. “You have so much money, you can do anything you want in the world.”

“I know what I want to do.” he said dryly, finally picking out a cigarette and lighting it up, taking a long hint. “I’ve been planning this for years, everything will go as planned, I know it will. If you ever change your mind, you’re always welcomed to join me.”

“Do you really love me, Harry?” I asked just as he finished his sentence, looking at him through narrowed eyes.


“Then why were you fucking that girl?” my tone switched to harsh.

He shrugged, releasing smoke from his mouth. “Don’t really know, I was high,” he replied coolly. “She meant nothing though.”

A faint version of the rage I felt that day roamed through my body, my insides pinching and heat rolling through my chest. Maybe one of his cigarettes could help me relax, these little shits were made for a reason.

“I would take it back, if I could.”


“It had no meaning, it shouldn’t had happened.”

“But it did.”

“I’m a sinner, I admit.”

“You believe in God?”

“Somebody is out there watching over us, we’re still alive after everything.” he replied easily before taking a hint of his cigarette again.

“Do you pray?”

He chuckled. “Don’t you?”

“Some times.”

“What is it that you pray for?”

“Happiness. Freedom.”

“We have different meanings for these words.” he muttered thoughtfully.

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