Chapter 18: Escaping

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oh well since i haven't updated since forever i just really want to apologise. i've been having a huuuuge writers block and things has been mad in my life. i could write a whole story will all the drama that happend last term (*little lightbulb over my head* NEW FRICKING STORY IDEA!! guys please, tell me if i should write about it or nah) but well now all of that is over and school has started already of course. so i feel ready to get this story done with and i am so excited :D

and guys, 12,4K reads???? HOW DID THIS CRAP ASS BOOK GET SO MANY READS?? i f*cking love you all so goddamn much i couldn't be happier and all your support means the world to me <333
okay, imma let you read the chapter now (but it's not very long i am so sorry, i'll update soon tho)


Merida ran forward to Elsa, and Hiccup to Rapunzel. Rapunzel hadn't moved an inch after Gothel's sudden death. She was back on the floor again, probably in shock. Blood running down her neck from her mouth. Hiccup, or the others for that matter, didn't really know what happend to Rapunzel. She had been taken away immidiatly by Gothel to another room. They had only heard her screams. Hiccup tried to make Rapunzel sit up, but she didn't cooperate. Her whole body flinched in pain when he did so. She mumbled something, but all Hiccup could hear was "hurts" and "stop".

Merida tried to get Elsa up aswell but no success there either. Anna were desprately trying to get loose from Hans grip but he was too strong, obviously. Anna turned around to face Hans, and before he could say anything she spit in his face.

"Merlin's balls, are you mad?!" He roared in her face, letting go of Anna and wiping his face with his sleeve. While Hans weren't on his guard, Anna decided to take the oppertunity and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.


I was walking down the halls to one of the two livingrooms. I was supposed to clean it. I do so everyday, and at this time precisely. But I might think that today will be differnt. I've been hearing strange noises all day, sort of muffled screams. You can't hear a thing if you are in the other side of the mansion. All rooms are soundproof, so when you actually hear sounds like that, it is strange. Very strange.

I was just going to turn the last corner when someone ran into me. It was Hans, son to Mr. Isles. A real slug of a man, if you ask me. "Don't walk into that room, do you understand?" He pointed at one of the many door that I wasn't allowed in. I nodded, slowly. I was rather confused, it is obvious that I am not allowed in there.

"Isabel, don't do anything you'll regret. You know what happend last time." A evil smirk started to form onto his lips.

"Oh, don't you dare reminding me, you sick man!" I don't want to hear any more of what happend that night. His way of punishing was just absurb! Rape should not count as punishing but in his twisted mind it did. I don't even know what I did to deserve that, I suppose he just needed an exuse to stick his 'wand' into anything with a pulse. If you know what I mean.

"Oh, c'mon. I know you liked it." He teased. I got so mad at him for even thinking like that. I was so close to slap him when he took a firm grip onto my arm and whispered. "Since you don't want it to happen again, then don't so anyhting." He let go of me and left.

Even though I did not want to risk that happening again I had to at least look inside the door for just a second. I was so curious of what could possibly be going on in there.

I walked quietly to the black door and opened it just a wee bit. The sight was horrifying actually. Five men with black robes were laying on the floor, probably unconsious or maybe even dead. A lady were laying on the floor too, and she must've been killed since she had gotten extremely pale and her eyes were fully opened. And one of the men I knew. It was Pitch Black. I've seen him before. He comes here sometimes, and of course I'm not allowed to say a word when he did. He was basically covered in blood and his jaw seemed displaced. In the center of the room, a small group of people had gathered around something or someone.

"Excuse me... um..." Their gace turned to me. They looked frightend, as if I was someone to be afraid of.

"Who are you?" asked a boy with brown hair, he was holding a girl with short brown hair, she looked dead. She had almost her whole face cover in dried blood.

"I am Isabel. One of the many maids at Isles Manor." I said, but it came out more like a whisper. "You need to get out, don't you?"

"We really do." said the ginger girl.

"Let me help you with that." I said while walking towads them. "Who are you by the way?"

The ginger girl answered again. She said that she was Merida, the brunette girl was Rapunzel, the brunette boy was Hiccup, the strawberry blonde girl was Anna, the white haired one was Jack and the poor girl on the floor was Elsa.

"Okay, so it's quite easy for us to get out. We just need to be quiet." I informed them. "C'mon now, follow me."

Jack was carrying Elsa, Hiccup carried Rapunzel and we left the room without a noise. I was planning on leading them to the kitchen and getting them out through th backdoor. I just hope Hans doesn't show up. or worse... the cat.

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