Chapter 8: Jack's temper

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Jack's POV

I was walking to the library to talk to Elsa when I saw Hiccup running down the corridor I was currently walking in. He looked sick and tired.

"Hey, Hiccup!" I shouted after him.

"Oh, eh... Hey Jack." He simply replied. He ran a hand trough his hair lookibg rather worried.

"Is something wrong? You do not look too healthy." I stated and scratched my neck.

"W-well, there is something w-wrong..." I nodded at him to make him continue. "Elsa... Kissed someone. Uh, and it was Malfoy..." He told me and took a step back. He looked really worried and more sick then ever.

What? Elsa cannot have kissed Draco fucking Malfoy! I felt like punching someone... And yes, when it comes to jealousy, I can be a real git.

I took out my wand and headed for the library.

"Jack, what are you doing? Jack!" Hiccup's tired tries to make me listen slowly died out behind me. I guess he didn't want to follow me. Well, my temper can go quite over the line sometimes.

I walked into the library. Madame Pince where nowhere to be seen so I searched for Elsa's figure. And there she sat. Her back facing me and Merida standing next to her. They were arguing about something.

I walked over to them.

"So, it's true then?" I spat out and both of the girls turned around, looking shocked.

"Wait, what? Jack what are you talking about?" Elsa managed to say nervously.

"That you and fucking Malfoy kissed??" I cried out and actually screaming.

"Shhh, Jack! Madame Pince will bloody get ye expelled if ye don't keep it down!" Merida stated and gestured with her hand to turn down the volume in my voice.

"Just bloody tell me, Elsa! Did you or did you not kiss Draco fucking Malfoy?" I snapped at her. I don't want to be mean at her but I just need to know what happend.

"It did happen, Jack. But why are you so upset?" Elsa whisper shouted. I suddenly loosed myself anf just blurted out what I really feel. "BECAUSE I BLOODY LOVE YOU THAT'S WHY!"

I face palmed and sighed. A long silence came after my little out burst and all of a sudden Elsa said something I didn't want to hear at the moment. Something that hurt me more than anything.

"But Jack, I know you love me. We are best friends but that doesn't explain why you got so upset. Not specially at least."

"I- w-what?" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry.. I'm confused." Elsa furrowed her eyebrows. Merida pretended to be invicible, I actaully understand her at this point.

"UGH, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I screamed out and Pince finally decided to show up.

"Mr Frost! What are you screaming for? This is a library, where we are quiet and are reading! Detention for you young man! I will tell Professor Snape immidetly."

"Damn it..." I whispered under my breath.

I ran out of the library, past Pince (who shouted to me that I am not allowed to run in the halls. And that I would be in great trouble when she get's to Snape.)

But I didn't care. I really did not.


Elsa's POV

Jack had just been running out of the library and now Merida decided to talk.

"Darlin', ye really screwed up."

"I did, didn't I?" I whispered.

"And when he screamed that he loved ye, ay think he meant 'love love'." Mer said, looking at me seriously.

"Bloody hell, what have I done?!" I ran a hand through my blonde hair and started biting my nails on the other hand.

"No, no, no! Don't ye bite ye nails, it is disgusting n' it doesn't make the situation better. Run after him and talk to him." Merida demanded and I did as she said.

I ran as fast as I could, and I spotted Madame Pince in the almost empty corridor.

I ran to her and asked i she saw where Jack was heading. She pointed at another empty corridor on the right and I decided to follow it. Well this is just brilliant, is it not?

"Jack!" I called out. "Jack!"

He maybe was in one of the empty classrooms?

I tried the first one I saw.

No Jack.

Next one.

No Jack.

The one after that.

No Jack.

But finally, the fourth one...


"JACK! THERE YOU ARE! OH I AM SO SORRY!" I cried out and he looked rather shocked and hurt. His eye's looked a tiny bit of red and he sat on a desk. I throw my hands around his neck and sobbed. "I'm s-so sorry. I-I didn't understand at first but n-now I-I know. Oh, J-Jack."

He was tense at first but after a little while he hugged me back. "It's okay, Els... I shouldn't have been so crazy and jealous. And now Pince is probably getting me expelled. I just... Thought I might have a chance.. with you, but I guess not." He whispered into my ear and rubbed my back.

"That, that kiss Jack. It was nothing. I would want to be with you much more then with Draco." A silent tear escaped my eye and I burried my head into Jack's chest.



"I love you. Okay?"

"Okay." I giggled and Jack held me closer.

I guess we forgot about time and just sat there. Not having a care in the world.

After what seemed like forever we decided to get back to our common rooms. We walked out of the classroom and down the corridors.

Jack took my hand I could not help but blush.

I realized it must be quite late since no one was in the corridors and we almost got caught by Filch...

Later that night I was laying in my bed thinking about todays events... So much have happend it

almost feels surreal.

A/N sooo hi guys! I had to write on my phone so it is probs quite short... But Thanks so much for all the support this story is getting! It is AMAZEBALLS!

And if this hit your feels, then I not suprised bc it hit mine too... lol

Love you loads!


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