Chapter 7: An unexpected kiss

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Meirda's POV

Finally, only 3 days until Christmas break. I'm going away for the Hollidays but I'm quite sure the rest of us five won't. After all, I'm basically the only one of us who still has a family... I feel so sorry for all of them but I guess this is just the begining of war. We all know war is what's going to happen, the Daily Prophet has been writing articles about it for weeks now. Stuff like: 'How to keep your house safe from dark magic, page 13' and I actually don't think that if you buy a spray called 'Dark magic spray: keeps your home free from the Dark side!' will help. Specially since you are supposed to spray it all over your house and who would even buy that? The prize for one bottle is 37 galleons! That is way to expensive for such a fooling product. But I guess people get desperate.

Father sent me a owl the other day, telling me mother has gone mad. She had bought so much of the useless products she read about in the Prophet, that the whole house and yard had been free from everything. That sounded good, eh? Not really since those sprays smelled bloody terrible, according to father, and the muggles called our house 'the rotten egg palace'. My wee brothers had at least managed to scar the gnomes away from our yard with some charmed broom that danced around and hit alot of the small, ugly gnomes heads.

Today had the last exam in Defense against the Dark Arts taken place. This year, I have been so bad at everything Snape has been telling us to do, and it would be cheer, dumb luck if I got a A... (A/N if you think, why would she be unhappy with an A? Here's why: in the wizarding world an A means Acceptable. If you did not know this then you must have only seen the films... so my edwise is; READ THE BOOKS THEY ARE BLOODY BRILLIANT!)

"Oi, Dunbroch!"

I was currently walking up the stairs to my common room, when someone decided to talk to me. Sigh...

"What?" I snapped at whoever it was. I turned around to face no other then; Ron Weasley.

"Why are you with the Slytherin prat?" he towered above me, he was so tall.

"Who, may ay ask, is the Slytherin prat? 'N ye better not be talkin' 'bout Jack, because then ay will hex ye manly parts off of ye body!" I punched is chest, but not very hard since he was going to get really angry.

"Think of who your talking to, Merida, since I am our quidditch team's-"

"Oh, don't ye act immportant with me, Weasley!" I interupted him. He took one step closer, and now he was a little bit too close to me for my taste. And as if a sign from Merlin himself was sent: no other then Hiccup showed up.

"Mer! There you are! I have been searching everywhere for you!" He walked up the stairs to where me and Weasley stood. "I'm not interupting something am I?" Hiccup smirked and I punched him on the arm.

"No, ye did not. Ronald was just 'bout to leave." I spat out, and pushed Weasley away from me.

"Bye... Mer." he smirked and walked away. I was so mad at that little git. Calling me Mer? Oh, that thickhead was going to get it a nice kick in his stomach later.

"Oh, go snog Lavender Brown! She would enjoy having such a thickhead like yerself givin' her attention!" I yelled at him and I heard him snicker for himself.

Hiccup stayed silent for a while as if he wanted me to cool down. That smirk of his was long gone now.

"Soo, Merida... I wanted to tell you something." Hiccup finally said. I put my hands on my hips.

"Ay'm listenin'!"

"Well, I kind of... sort of... caught Elsa... with..-"


"She was kissing a bloke..." He bit his lip. Couldn't he just tell me who? And when??

"Hiccup, who was it??" I slapped him and hoped he would give me answers. He moaned in pain but continued.

"I don't know who it was, but we need to talk to her to get answers. I think she is in the library like always. Just don't be too loud when we get there; madame Pince would kill us." We started walking down the stairs.

"Well, Pince and Filch would be such a great couple, wouldn't they?" I said, and giggled. Hiccup smiled and replyed with a simple yes.

By the time we had gotten to the library, we saw Elsa right away. She was reading a book called 'Hogwarts: A history'. She had read that book at least one tim every school year since she started here. She says that she always needs to refreasch her memory.

"Hey, Elsa!" Hiccup whisper-shouted.

"Yeah?" she replyed, not looking up from her book.

"Who was that bloke ye were snoggin' earlier? Hiccup told me he saw ye!" I blurted out and she looked up immidetly. She looked almost scarred of what I just said.

"It was n-nothing... It w-was no o-one." She closed the book and sat up straight.

"Elsa, it was somethin'. 'N it was someone." I crossed my arms. Hiccup had decided to keep quiet, I see. Ugh, he such a help.

"O-okay... I know you w-won't stop bothering m-me 'til I tell you so here it goes... It was D-"

"I knew it! I knew it all along!" I said, really happy with myself. Hehehe, I knew she would get together with Draco...

Elsa sighed and nodded. "But I can explain why!" Hiccup had gotten very pale and almost looked sick. That, is taking it bad.

"I bumped into his chest when I walked from the DADA exams and, we were all alone in that corridor. I had dropped my bag and of course, since I am me, my books had fallen out. He helped me picking them up and... Wow, this sounds like a monolog to a muggle movie..." she suddenly trailed off. What the heck is a movie? Muggles and their crazy ideas. "Well, and then it just, you know happend..."

"Are ye tellin' me, ye have a relationship with Malfoy?" A evil smirk plastered on my lips.

"N-no, absolutly not, it was just a kiss. Nothing more, so don't get all excited about it, Dunbroch!" Our voices were still quiet, but they were getting louder.

"And then Hiccup caught ye?"

"Basically, but he stayed there for like 3 seconds. Then he ran away..." she finished her story. Heck, this is the best! Just wait until Jack and Punzie hears about this, they are going to laugh their arses off!

"Hiccup, are you alright?" Elsa asked Hiccup all of a sudden. Now her voice were back to a just a whisper.

" I think I need to sleep..." He walked off, probably to Hufflepuff's common room.

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