Chapter 17: The beggining of the end

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Elsa's  POV 

The Dark Lord dropped his wand, Gothel's dead body laying on the cold stone floor. The killing curse green light disappearing for some reason. How did that even happen? How can a spell just disappear? 

Merida looked terrified, yet proud. She had been the one to kill Gothel. Everyone was stunned. No one moved. Pitch picked up his wand from the floor, pointing it i my direction. 

"Just because your silly friend killed a pointless Death Eater, doesn't mean you're save." He sneered at me. He opened his mouth slowly, soon to be screaming out the curse a second time. 

"NO! No! Please, don't do it!" Anna's small voice echoed in the silent room. 

"Shut it!" Hans yelled in her ear. Anna started  sobbing quietly. Rapunzel was still laying down on the floor, silent tears streaming down her face. Jack and Hiccup seemed to be petrified, not knowing what to do. Merida seemed to feel the same. 

Pitch looked annoyed with all the distractions, and rolled his eyes. 

"This may not kill you, but I want you to beg me for the something as sweet as death." Pitch said in a calm voice. "Crucio!" 

I screamed out in pain, I don't know for how long the pain was there, I only know that it felt like a million knifes stabbing my chest, wild animals ripping of my arms and legs and giant claws making deep cuts all over my body. I didn't take notice of what was happening around me, I mean how could I?

~ ***** ~

Pitch were focusing on the bloody mess known as Elsa Arendelle. Her screams echoed through the whole mansion. Jack couldn't handle himself anymore, he ran forward, tackling Pitch to the ground. Jack knew magic of course but he didn't think. He used his fists to damaged the wizard. Elsa's pain had be gone, she had almost lost consiousness. 

Okay so um, sorry for this.., It is super short and shitty but at least it's something. I have such a writers block and it took me the whole Sempiternal album to get inspiration to this. So let's sing along to some Bring Me The Horizon! (some of you must pay attention to this bc otherwise I don't know how you can live) 

I know I bend and I break all my promises

But now it's time for the truth

I keep my head in the clouds and I hope that I can't just be invisible to you. 

Are you sick, are you tired, are you feeling faint?

Your lips are turning blue

I know you wish you were dead to the world

But there's something you should know

You're scared, I can see you tremble

Shaking like a dog, shitting razor blades

Feel love shadows like a stranger 

Well join the club, yeah join the club

Do you wish that you could cut yourself out of your skin?

Well join the club, yeah join the club

Whatever the fuck it takes to feel like you fit in 

Well join the club, yeah join the club

Life is a song with no one to dance to

Same old shit happening and nobody knows

My heart is a dead horse, there's no point in beating 

Just let me sink, let me sink into the fucking ground

Fuck it

You're scared, I can see you tremble

Shaking like a dog, shitting razor blades

Feel love shadows like a stranger 

Well join the club, yeah join the club

Do you think you're the only one who feels the way you do?

We're all fifty shades of fucked up 

Well join the club, yeah join the club


I know I bend and I break all my promises

But now it's time for the truth

I keep my head in the clouds and I hope that I can't just be invisible to you 

You're scared, I can see you tremble

Shaking like a dog, shitting razor blades

Feel love shadows like a stranger 

Well join the club, yeah join the club

Do you think you're the only one who feels the way you do?

We're all fifty shades of fucked up 

Well join the club, yeah join the club

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