Chapter 16: Dried blood and killing curses

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Elsa's POV

I tried to breathe slowly, it didn't really work though. I was tired, and broken, but knowing what to do. After I passed out, I woke up but I do not know for how long I was just laying in a puddle of my own thick, red blood. It felt like  my ribs were broken, my heart felt like it did't want to continue beating and I obviously I had lost alot of blood. I despately tried to sit up but my arms were too weak to lift my body up, so my face got crashed straight back onto the ice cold stone floor. My nose, mouth and chin stung real badly and I must look completely destroyed. My nose seemed to have started bleeding again and the warm liquid got into my slightly parted mouth. I groaned, not daring to try to move again. My whole body hurt and my friends were up with the Death Eaters (I'm sure that the people here are Death Eaters), probably under some terrible curse... getting torture for no cause. 

I wish that I could move, but the pain would probably just be getting worse. I'm not good at all with healing spells so I wouldn't be able to heal myself with my wand. I'm screwed, obviously. 

After a while of just laying on my stomach pitying myself and my friends, a loud scream of pain reached my ears. I heard it again. And again, but this time it ended in a loud cry. I knew at once who the voice belonged to; Rapunzel. 

I couldn't just do nothing anymore, I had to get my broken body up and run to Rapunzel's aid. I don't think that I could possibly run though. My ribcage is aching too badly. I moved my legs a little bit, trying to sit up. My small and weak arms helped only a little but at last, I was sitting up. 

I don't know how I was able to stand up in the end, but at some point I did. I looked down at my broken body (that still hurt like hell, but I had to just ignore it), I was covered in blood and huge cuts was showing. I don't know how much blood I had lost but the bleeding wasn't so bad anymore. My nose, chin and mouth were covered in nosebleed. I must look like the most terrifying ghost, not even the bloody Baroon had this much blood over his body. 

I tried walking, holding my wand in a firm grip, to the stairs up to the real mansion. As I came closer to the iron barrs the voices of the people up the stairs got higher and clearer. No one seemed to be  guarding it, probably thinking I had died, the most slow and painful death. 

To my luck, the gate like iron barrs were open, the woman must not have cared for closing it. I silently opened it, wide enough for me to walk out from the dungeon. I walked up the stairs, slowly, trying to catch every word the people said. 

"Stupid girl! Don't you dare stand up for yourself! Do you not know who he is?" a woman shouted. 

"Ay know very well who he is, ye monster! He is Pitch Black!" Merida's voice spoke up. I stopped right on the spot, I needed to hear where this was going.

"How dare you! Someone should teach you some respect!" the woman shouted furiously. 

"Merida, don't!" Rapunzel screeched. Someone must have done something terrible to her, since she screamed so loud this time and cried even harder then before. 

I started movinga again, raising my wand so I was prepared for any curses or spells they might cast upon me. I walked up the last step and I was now visible for everyone in a huge hall, everything were in black. Walls, furniture, simply everything. A huge chandelier lightning everything up. 

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing. Everyone looked at me, and I saw many familier faces. Rapunzel were on the floor, quietly sobbing with something cut into her skin on her left arm. She was held down by Gothel. Jack and Hiccup were hold still by some hooded Death Eaters, Merida were about to punch Bellatrix Lestrange, I saw all the three Malfoy's in a corner, Hans and his 12 brothers, along with their parents. And I could see Anna, starring dully at me. Hans had  a firm grip around her waist, making it impossible for her to move since she was only 13 and had a very small body compared to Hans'. A hooded man started laughing in a mental, humourless way. Pitch Black of course, the dark Lord. The other Death Eaters joined in, but Lestrange laughed the loudest. 

"I see little miss Arendelle have tumbled down the stairs. How does it feel, child. How does it feel to be pathetic?" He asked in a deep, evil voice. I couldn't see his face but I can tell he is sneering at me. At this, Gothel and Bellatrix laughed even louder. "Answer me!" He demanded.

"I wouldn't know. You are the one who are pathetic. You will never know love, or friendship! And I feel sorry for you." (A/N And yes, I did just qoute Harry Potter) I shouted back at him. He chuckled darkly. 

"Do you think that, some heroic words will save you?" Pitch had now taken off his hood, showing off his black spikey hair, yellow eyes and grey skin. 

"No." I simply said, pointing my wand at him. "But it's worth a try." With that said, Jack and Hiccup broke free from the Death Eater who were holding them back. Merida attacked the Death Eaters around her. Rapunzel did something I can't even explain, but whatever she did it at least made Gothel fall down on her face. Everyone where fighting, and I didn't really know what to do. 

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Roared Pitch. Before I even got to think, I shot back a defensiv spell, trying to protect myself. 

"Avada kedavra!" I heard someone else say and what happend next was unbelivable. 

So yeah guys, I am so sorry for being so slow with the updates so I want to give you an explaination. 

I was in Deanmark last week. I got home and planned my Derp Con vid with one of my best friends Emelie. And this week I got sick (fever and a cold, ugh) and now in dis weekend I was hanging out with Em again, this time filming the half of our vid. And I have so much homework it's sick but it's okay I guess. And tomorrow drama class starts and we have this huge project and I'm so scared that this three girls I despise will be there bc they're friend goes to drama class (she's okay but she's hella annoying). And these three bitches are so hella bitchy like really they are cray cray and so annoying and clingy



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