Chapter 10: London and Merida's 'rotten egg palace'

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Elsa's POV

We all sat on the train, not far from London now. Me, Rapunzel, Merida, Hiccup, Luna and Jack. Luna wanted to help us as much as she could but her father wanted her to come home.We had discussed our plan on how to do this saving mission plently of times but we come up with new idea's all the time. 

Our plan was; that directky after Christmas Day we apparate us to a forest I know, then we will secure the place we will be having our tent in. We will move everyday, not staying in the same place for too long. We haven't figured everything out yet. We need to get to that mansion Rapunzel was in because maybe we can get clues there or even find Anna. We could get to Diagon Alley just to see if there is something suspicous there. And of course we need to check Knockturn Alley. 

"We might be able to rescue some other people too." Said Rapunzel. Everyone nodded. 

"We will need to hide in the woods or something... We will need a tent and someone who's good at spellls." Jack stated. Everyone looked at me.  

"What? Oh, you mean that I'm... Oh." Smooth Elsa...

"But haven't you thought about the fact that none of us are 17 yet?" Hiccup said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh, my... That's right! But Elsa is turnin' 17 the January." 

"Yes, I am. But we can't skip school can we?" I asnwered, unsurely.

"We have to if we are going to go through with this mission." Jack stated. Well, he is right.

"Ye can stay at my house over Christmas... When Elsa's 17 we go!" Merida said and punched the air. "But just so ye knwo, my house will smell quite terrible because of some products my mother bought to keep the house safe from dark magic." 

"Lovely. Well, I guess it's okay. But you are not going anywhere now over Christmas, right?" Rapunzel asked.

"Naah, my family never do." 

"Oh, look! We're in London now." Luna stated and looked out of the window. She haven't spoken much during the train ride. 


We had been greeted by Mrs Dunbroch and Mr Dunbroch. They said they would gladly have us all over for Christmas. 

When we had gotten to their old, scottish home it smelled like rotten egg. 

"The muggles calls it the 'rotten egg palace'." Said Mrs Dunbroch. 

"Can't imagine why..." I heard Jack mumble. I giggled at him. 

Walking into the huge home I noticed that all the walls was stone. Well of course the walls are made of stone, the whole house is made of it... 

There was Christmas decorations everywhere, and everything seemed to go in a certain red color. 

On Christmas eve me and my four best friends satt around a little fire Rapunzel had learned to make. We sat and talked about what was going to happen during our crazy mission to save Anna from whatever danger the girl has been put into. Unfortunatly, Merida's parents had thought of going somewhere for Christmas. The Weasley's to be exact. The families were good friends so in the morning we were gonna use floo powder to get tp our destination. I was quite tired of the smell here so I was quite grateful. Mr. Dunbroch sai the food there was amazing and the triplets -Merida's younger brothers- had agreed. They was just as Merida had decribed them: 'three wee devils'. 

I don't really know when it comes to my relationship with Jack. I mean, he said he loved me. 

At least, very soon we are going to our little secret mission. Finding Anna. 

Author's Note:

I am sorry for this super short chapter but tomorrow I will write a longer and better chapter. I love you all, bye for now!

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