Chapter 2: The Great Hall

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Elsa's POV

We was soon going to arrive at Hogwarts. These hours had been so long. Nothing to do and nothing was happening exept for; Merida snoring loudly and so did Anna for a long time of the trip and Olaf purring like the cat he was.

I was the only one who had not been sleeping. Wonder why?

Because Jack, Rapunzel and Hiccup are nowhere to be found. I always meet up with all of them before we get on the Hogwarts Express. But not this year. It made me really worried, since alot of people had been disappearing lately. No one knows why and some people even fear the worst.

That the Nightmare King would be back.

The thought actually gave me goosebumps. He was the most powerful and evil wizard through the ages and everyone feared him. Even his companions. His followers.

He disappeared 17 years ago. But my father used to tell me about the horrible things that the Nightmare King had done. Do not ask me why my father did so...

"Students, we will arrive at Hogsmead Station in 15 minutes." a voice was heard, telling us to get ready. I looked over at Merida who now was drooling. Lovely.

"Merida, wake up! We need to change into our robes at once! We are soon at Hogwarts." I squealed trying to wake her up from her deep sleep. She grunted and said: "Five more minutes..."

Before she was able to drift off to sleep again, I grabbed ahold of her untamed red hair; and pulled her it.

She sat up immediately cursing me for being so rude while I just laughed at the silly expression she made. She crossed her arms and looked at Anna.

"Ye too, lass! Get yer lazy arse off of there, we need to get changed!" she cried out and Snowflake started hyperventilating which made Olaf wake up from his slumber.

The whole compartment was in chaos before some Slytherin student passed by us, starring at us as if we were mad. It made us all laugh and we finally got dressed in our robes.


I sat inside the Great Hall, waiting for the sorting cermony to be over.

I was more worried then ever when it comes to my friends. Still no sign of them.

Anna had of course found hers at the Hufflepuff table but me and Merida had not. Merida sat at the Gryffindor table, her face cupped into her hands and me sitting all alone -at the Ravenclaw table- just starring at the empty seat where Rapunzel always sits.

And yes, all of us are in different houses almost. Me and Rapunzel in Ravenclaw, Merida in Gryffindor, Hiccup in Hufflepuff and Jack in Slytherin. Which makes it hard for us to meet during schoolhours.

"LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" I was startled of hearing my headmasters (professor Dumbledore, an old man with a long beard and always wearing funny robes) deep and loud voice echo through the hall. I guess I was in too deep thought to notice that anything had happend around me.

I looked around the table. A few new first years was all starring at me. Must be my hair.

You see, it's blonde. Almost white.

"Aren't you going to eat, Arendelle?" A friend of mine called Ethan asked me. He was in the sixth year, just like me, and he had deep blue eyes with dark hair. He was also quite tall and very handsome. But still, only friends. Unfortunatly.

"Uh, yeah... I will eat, I just wanted to check out the new students first; that's all." I said quickly, looking at my empty plate. I poured pumpkin juice in my silver cup and filled my plate with wonderful food. All the food tasted so good here... If you ever tasted this, and the only thing you have been eating was muggle food, then it's like heaven in your mouth.

I wonder how the house elfs could be this good at cooking.. Right, magic. (A/N if you didn't understand the house elf thingy, then READ THE BOOKS)

I looked over at Ethan who was smiling like an idiot while starring at me. I blushed and tried to cool myself down with some pumpkin juice.

Auther's Note

I am soooooooo sorry for not updating this in a while but here ya go! Hope you liked it!

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