Chapter 5: She's back

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Rapunzel's POV

 I walked silently through the gates into the Great Hall. No on seemed to notice my existense since there was people everywhere. I walked to Ravenclaw table, and gained a few looks, must be the fact that I just got here... Or maybe it's my white shirt with a badly sewn pocket on that's bothering them or my lack of a tie. I could not get any new robes this year because of certain events. And maybe it's the fact that my hair now is cutten to some inches above my shoulders and it's dark. No longer do I have my long, golden hair flowing all the way to my knees. Sigh. 

The story about how that happend is quite thrilling, yet horrifying, but I'll tell it later.

I sat down at the end of the table, almost embarresed about my hair. I know I shouldn't be but it all comes back to how that happend. I looked over the table for Elsa, but she wasn't here. 

"Miss Corona, you most certainly look differnt! Why haven't you been in school? What happend? And why couldn't Dumbledore tell me about it?" Professor Filius Flitwick (a very short man, probably half dwarf) were standing right before me asking question after question. He is the leader of Ravenclaw house, and he always worries for his students. And if you're in a real state, you might get one of his delicious cupcakes that he keeps in his office.

"Well, I... I don't think I am allowed to tell you, professor. I am very sorry but professor Dumbledore will probably not be very fond of me telling anybody just yet." I answered him and looked down on my empty plate. 

"Okay then, I understand. Have a great day, and I am glad you're back." the little professor walked off and and I was left alone. I picked up a potato from one of the bowls filled with them, put it on my plate and started eating. Even though one potato is not much of a meal.

Merida's POV

I was walking through corridor after corridor, on my way to the Great Hall. I had just finished rune class (it's incredibly boring but my mother forces me to take that class anyway) and I was awfully hungry. 

I finally made it there and I almost ran to Griffindor's table. But halfway there, I stopped and starred at a girl talking to professor Flitwick. Flitwick left and walked by me.

"Have you heard that miss Corona is back? It's absolutly splendid!" he said jolly and I was so confused. Punzie? It can't be!

I walked straight to the girl and sat down on the other side of the table. 

I kept on starring at her and yes, she didn't notice me. It was Punzie, that's for sure. But what happend to her hair?

"PUNZIE!" I cried out and she immidietly looked up and a smile on her face. 

"MER!" she shouted back. Slytherin's were looking at us and complained about we making to much noise... Specially Draco Malfoy and Hans Isles. Both are jerks of course. 

Me and Rapunzel jumped up from our seats and hugged. 

"Whe' have ye been? Me and Elsa have been worried sick! And wha' happend to ye hair? And do not tell me ye heard from Jack n' Hiccup, because none of 'em have written to us n' of course we are worried for 'em too!" 

"What? Hiccup and Jack has also been gone?" she forrowed her eyebrows. Her green eyes filled with confusion.

So she don't know nothing, either...

Elsa's POV 

"What about them??" I blurted out, and Dumbledore just smiled.

"They're fine, they are all fine. And Miss Corona are probably at the Hogsmeade station already. She may have even gotten to the Great Hall for lunch actually." he started, I was in complete shock. "And mr Frost should be coming in November along with mr Haddock. But there are certain things they will have to tell you and miss Dunbroch. But do not rush them, they will tell you when they are ready to do so." 

I was shocked, relieved, confused and happy all at the same time. I tried to get the information into my head and let it sink in. And October is soon over, which means they will soon be here!

My headache was not important at all now, the important thing is, is that my best friends are okay and they are coming back to Hogwarts. 

"You have my permission to leave and see miss Corona and miss Dunbroch. Tell them about mr Frost and mr Haddock. Good bye." Dumbledore smiled a warm and kind smile and I couldn't have gotten out of there faster. 

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