Chapter 11: Christmas at the Weasley's

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Elsa's POV


I was startled of the loud shout in my hear and sat up. When I managed to open my eyes fully, Rapunzel stood here with crossed arms. 

"Good, you're awake. You need to get up and eat breakfast. We will leave in one hour. And by the way, Mrs Dunbroch has told us to not open our gifts yet. We will open them in the evening when we get back."   After that she walked out of the small room I have been provived with. Gifts was laying in a red armchair. I got up and got dressed. I was wearing a blue sweater and black tights. 

Walking down the stone staircase to the dining room where everyone was already sitting down and eating. Even the triplets who seemed very tired. I tried to avoid mistletoes as good as I could and I finally got to sit down next to Merida on a wooden chair. "Ay hope ye are all ready for travellin'. We will leave in a very short time." Mrs Dunbroch informed us and we all nodded. 

Hiccup yawned along with Merida. I hope this is going to be good. 

*skipping some time* 

At the Weasley's everything looked warm and cosy. The house wasn't necessarily well built but it was increadibly cute. Mrs Weasley was a brilliant cook and she was extremly sweet to us. Ron had litterly been giving Merida a little t´bit to much attention and it seemed like I wasn't the only one complaining about that. During dinner Hiccup had been giving Ron dirty looks and Ron's sister, Ginerva (nicknamed Ginny), didn't seem to be enjoying the sight either. Merida had been  ignoring Ronald most of the time he tried to talk to her because she was busy starring at Fred, Ron's older brother who she was very fond of. I remember her being in love with him during her fifth year at Hogwarts and now maybe the feelings were coming back? 

Well, at the moment me, Merida, Hiccup, Jack and Rapunzel had found a place for our own in the Burrow. It was a quite small room but it worked just fine for us all to fit in there without choking or anything. We had been going through our plan on how we are going to make this plan of our's work out. We think everything's in order but just as I was gonna say something someone bursted through the door looking mad and shouting: "You are not going to do that yourselfs! You will need help! I will come with you!"

No other then Ginny Weasley was standing in the doorway with her brothers, Ron, Fred and George behind her. 

"Ginny, what are ye talkin' 'bout? Ye can't go with us, this is something we have to do. Ye are not involved in this." Merida said to the girl who crossed her arms. 

"Merida, I think I am involved in it since I heard every word you people said!" Ginny told Merida in a matter of fact way. Merida sighed. 

"Ye don't even know Anna." 

"I do! She is in Hufflepuff and-" she was interupted by Ron. 

"Ginny, I think you should take it a little bit easy now, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but we want to help you find Elsa's sister. This is a serious matter, even though if we help you me and George might have to leave our store for a while." Fred butted in and George nodded. I could see Fred winking at me, which caught me off guard. Wait, what? 

"But  I don't think Ginny should. She's only a fifth year and will get caught by the Ministry if she uses magic out of school. We, will turn 17 this year, so for us it's okay... I guess." Said Hiccup and scratched his neck. Ginny seemed furious at some point and stormed out of the room. 

"Sorry for her... behaving." said George after a while of silence. 

"Sooo, leaving the world behind on Elsa's birthday, eh?" said Ron out of the blue. 

"That's the plan." I said dully while nodding. 

"And we can go with you?" Ron asked. 

"Don't ye have to ask ye mommy first, Ronald?" Merida teased. Ron smirked, obviously satisfiedof the fact that Merida finally had given him some attention. Hiccup rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Everyone looked at me. "What?" I asked, trying to supress laughter. 

"No, Merida. I don't. I am not a 5 year old." Ron said, as if I had said nothing. And then he winked at her.  She giggled and raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Actually, Ronny... You do have to." George said and patted his brother's shoulder. "So when you are done flirting with Merida, you should probably do so." Ron's cheek's flushed red and everyone laughed. Merida blushed too. 

"I don't think you should help us anyway. i don't think we need it and specially not by you. That came out wrong, but what I meant was you shouldn't feel like you need to because we will make it to the end just fine." I said looking at the three gingers.

"Oh, Arendelle... we want to help." Fred corrected me. He smiled mischieviously and so did his twinbrother. 

"okay, can everyone of you Weasley guys just stop with the flirting!" Jack almost yelled at them. Hiccup nodded in agreement.

"Well sorry, Frosty." Ron said back. 

"Guys, seriously! Just... just shut up!" Yelled Rapunzel who haven't said a thing during the whole time the Weasley brothers had been there. 

Everyone went silent for minutes. 

"Well, thank you..." Mumbled Rapunzel and sighed. 

Well this has been intresting.

Author's Note

Well, here you go guys! It's not very thrilling but it's a chapter! Hope you liked it! 

I don't know when i will be able to update again but I will try to do so at least once this week, I'm celebrating my birthday this sunday but I think i might be able to post maybe 2 chappies until then! 

Love you loads!


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