Chapter 13: Discovering the once lost and the crying mermaid

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Elsa's POV 

I starred at the little piece of jewellery laying on a cushion of dark blue silk. My mother's ring. The beautiful little silver ring with seven small ocean blue crystals all around it. It is incredibly beautiful and I thought is was destroyed when my parents died. That is was burried in the deep in the sea's sandy  bottom. But no, it was in the palm of my hands right in this moment. And a spell is cast upon it. A spell that makes whoever is wearing it immortal. Now it's all clear, that is why mother had died. But how had a muggle been able to come over such  a thing? You see, my father was a pureblood and for decades this ring had been woren by witch after witch. Once the witches didn't feel like living anymore after usually at least 100 years, they took the ring off and died not long after. Always purebloods, all of them. But not mom. She was as non-magic as a woman can be- a muggle. But dad still wanted her to have it. His relatives were dead anyway so no one could tell him not to. 

I was stunned. This was mine now. All mine. One of the few things I have left that reminds me of my parents. 

"Elsa, what is it?" I heard Rapunzel ask me. I slipped the ring on my ring finger quickly. 

"I just got a family relic. A ring my mother used to have." I answered dreamy, not letting my eys upon anything else then that ring. 

"That's woderful, but have ye packed yet? Ye know, we are leaving soon." Merida asked me. 

"Yes, in a matter of fact, I have." I was still admiring the ring on my pale finger. 

I most certainly is in luck. 

*2 hours later*

After putting our tent up, casting protective spells and walking around the frosted forest's grounds, all of us 5 was in warm clothes and sitting by a fire, outside of the grey tent.  

"Okay, so what's our plan?" asked Hiccup out of the blue. 

Everyone looked at eachother, not knowing what to say. "Uhm..." I started. "Maybe, Diagon? We look around there and then we sneak in at Knockturn Alley. We can maybe overhear something we want to know." 

"That's a plan."  Jack said, clasping his hands together. 

Then, a period of silence struck us. 

No one said a word, until the small sound of sobbing echoed through the forest. 

"Someone's crying." Rapunzel stated. We all stood up and started walking slowly to where we thought the crying sounds came from. 

After passing frosted pine trees and the female sobbing became louder.

A lake covered in ice, had a huge hole made by something or someone. And a woman with a fish tail, sitting down next to the frozen lake, crying.

A crying mermaid.  

She had light blue locks that cascaded down to her lower back. Her fish part of her body was in pastle green and seemed to be sparkling because of the dripping water her hair let loose. 

"Exuse me.." I tried to talk to her. She stopped sobbing at once and looked scared. 

"W-who are y-you?" She stuttered out. Fresh tears lingering on her pale cheeks. 

"I am ElsaArendelle. The brunette girl is Rapunzel Corona, the ginger girl is Merida Dunbroch, the brown haired boy is Hiccup Haddock and the white haired one is Jack Frost. Now, who are you?" I said in the most polite manner possible. I smiled at her but she still seemed unsure of our presence. 

"I am Aqua. Aqua Waters." She said simply before doing something none of us expected. She took the shape of a human. She has the ability to change shape! A shapeshifter! She hid her small body, obviously cold now. She was wearing a black dress, probably down to her knees. And that's the only cloth she is wearing.

"Why are you crying?"

"My family is lost." she said simply, letting a lonely tear escape her eye. "They must have been taken away by the dark warlock... I do not know what you call him. I just know that he frightens you. That he is dangerous." She shivered when the cold breeze hit her skin. 

"Well, we are on a quest, to find my sister. And maybe others. Do you want to come with us? We have plently of room and clothing. Here," I took my deep blue velvet cloak off, "you can have it." I walked over to her and helped her up. All the others were in silence, not daring to say anything that would scare the girl. I handed her the cloak and she slowly put it on. "We will need to get a pair of warm boots on those frozen feet." I said and giggled. She smiled and we all started to go back to our tent. 

Aqua stumbled on her own feet, but before she fell, Hiccup caught her. "Not so used to letgs, are you?" He asked and and she giggled a little. 

When we were heading for bed, we had managed to make a place where Aqua could sleep. We had given her warmer clothing and told her our plans. So we could go to bed with all figured out. 

The fire was out, the sky was filled with stars and everyone was asleep except me. I had was in the stage between sleep and being awake when a sudden 'poff' like sound was heard. A deep sigh and coughs of a small creature entered the tent and I sat up at once. I grabbed my wand, and walked as quietly as I could to see what was there. How could anyone gotten here? Our protective spells should work compeltly fine!

"Salie!" I cried out once I saw who the creature was. The little house elf must have apparated here... And that's why she was able to, because she is indeed a house elf! 

"Miss Elsa Arendelle! Salie is pleased to see you again! Elsa Arendelle should know that Salie has been told to look after miss Merida and her friends. So here Salie is!" She explain why she was here and that got me really worried. Good thing all the others was asleep. 

"Salie, you must not tell Mr and Mrs Dunbroch this, okay?" I started off with. "You must tell them we are at my grandparents home right now, do you understand?

"Salie understands. Salie likes Elsa Arendelle. Elsa Arendelle is really kind to us house elfs!" she cried out and bowed infront of me. 

"Good, now off you go! We don't want to wake the others!" I told her and she apparated away. 

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