Chapter 14: Following the evil

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I don't think I know where to start... I am truely, terribly sorry for not updating in such a long time. Well, not in a week or so and I never take that long, but this time I did. A ten year old girl is here and she could not be more annoying and infuriating. It's my little brothers friend and I do not know if he really enjoys her stay, but I most certainly don't. But here you go and I hope you like this chapter. SPOILERS:  they are going on trip to Diagon and Knockturn Alley!

Elsa's POV

Early in the morning we decided it was the best to leave. So, we did. All of us were standing outside the tent, freezing in the cold January weather. A cold breeze touched my skin and I felt goosebumps running down my spine. All of us -including Aqua- held eachother hands and I apparated us away to London, the Leaking Cauldron to be exact. As we walked through the little bar place, I could not help but notice that there was almost no people at all in the dusty room. Only the bartender, a young man probably in his early twenties and a lady who washed the floor in a corner of the room. 

When we finally got to Diagon Alley, only a very few beings walked around, mostly looking completly mental, or just desparately trying to shop. 

As we walked through the alley, nothing suspichous happend at all. I sudgested we tried Knockturn and they all agreed. We put on long black coats so we looked a little fitting for going around in the dark alley along with all the wicked and probably evil wizards and witches. 

As we headed for Borgin and Burk's, all of us pulled these pathetic excuses for a 'evil looking face'. I bet we looked ravishing. Aqua's blue hair made people notice us a little bit more, just as my platinum blonde, Jack's silvery white and Merida's all-over-the-place ginger hair. As teenagers we simlpy just did not fit in, but when we got to Borgin and Burk's we saw no ther than Hans Isles, standing on the left side of his dad. We had to hide our faces in seconds so he would  not see us. We walked furthur into the shop (Hans and mr. Isles talked to a man, probably just about to buy something) and I spoke up. 

"That's Hans! We need to follow him and his father! When we will find Anna, I suppose." Everyone nodded, exept for Aqua who simply just looked confused. 

"Who is this Hans?" she asked. 

"A evil git. I think it's him who has my sister. Anna." 


"But if they apparate, how are we going to follow them?" Hiccup asked, holding his hand up. 

"I guess, we have to get to their mansion. They live in a mansion, right?" I looked at Jack, hoping he had the answer. 

"Yeah, he braggs about it all the time." He said and shrugged. 



The sound of the door's bell echoed through the store and we all ran our way out, to follow Isles. 

The old man behind the desk (who the Isles had talked to) shouted for our attention, obviously thinking we had stolen something. 

Father and son Isles apparated away as soon as we got out of the door. 

"Elsa, you got to get us to Isles!" Rapunzel blurted out. 

"OKAY OKAY OKAY I WILL TRY!" I yelled, rather panicked. We grabbed eachothers hands and I tried to focus on Isles mansion. Hans Isles mansion, Hans Isles mansion, Hans Isles mansion! 


"Sooo, how exactly are we going to do this?" 

"No idea..." 

Author's Note

Sorry guys, but cliffhangers is what you get if I have writers block. SOOORRRYYYYY

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