Chapter 35

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* Lily P.O.V *

I woke up from my visions on Noah's voice. "Is everything okay?". I looked up at him, taking a deep breath. "Um! Yeah! It's just Linda my nanny, checking up on me". He nodded understanding that a 21 years old girl can have a nanny! Sure why not! But i think he doesn't care.

I sighed feeling exhausted of everything. The lies, the manipulation, the killing, the hurt and the blood. Everything was pushing on my nerves. But there were him! The one who opened my eyes and showed me the world. The one that makes me feel safe and peaceful.


Why can't i just be happy with him. Leave everything behind and start a new life. Why can't we live in peace!

I was torturing myself with my own thoughts. None of this is going to happen in a world where John Adam's is my father.

Noah cleared his throat. "Hey!". He clicked his fingers so i got cut out of my thoughts. He looked at me closely. "Lily! Lily! What's going on?".

Lily! Suddenly that name became annoying to me. I immediately remembered my real name. Liliana.

I smirked and spoke. "Liliana". Noah got confused. "What?". I said again. "Liliana is my real name". He frowned getting confused. "Okay!".

I picked up my backpack and opened it. I got out my birth certificate and handed it to him. He took it while he was looking at me wondering what's going on. He started to read it but his face remained straight.

I explained. "I was named after my mother. Liliana Zaina Adams, but for some reason my father changed my name into Lily Bree Adams". Noah kept looking back and forth between me and the certificate, so i continued. "My mother's name was Zaina. When i was little my father told me her name was Anna".

Noah frowned. I think he's slowly thinking what i'm thinking too.

I handed him the other certificate, my mother death certificate. "This certificate said that my mother died by a gunshot. My father told me she died giving birth to me while in fact she died two years after i was born".

I can see that Noah is shocked but he's good at hiding it. He looked sorry. I wasn't. I felt bitter and hatred.

He approached me leaning down on the floor so he could face me. He held my hands. "I'm so sorry". He was truly are. He sounded sweet.

I looked down feeling betrayed, then i looked him in the eyes. "My father hid those certificates in a safe in his office. He hid them from me. He's hiding something". I was shivering a little.

Noah tightened his grip on my hands. "Maybe he just didn't want to hurt you. Maybe he hid them so you won't get killed like her. I think he protected you all these years for a reason. Don't you think?". I pulled my hands off and stood up quickly feeling mad. He followed.

My voice came out loud and broken. "How could you defend him? After every horrible thing he did to Natalina and you, you say that! Noah, We don't know what he's hiding! I'm tired of his lies". I could break down any minute now.

He looked at me and i felt like he was feeling pity for me. He came close trying to calm me. "I know, i'm sorry. I know he's a bad guy, but he loves you more than anything in this world". He cupped my face.

"Noah, please". I cried. He hugged me, putting my head on his chest and patting on my head softly. "It's okay baby. Trust me, somethings are better stay hidden". The warmth in his voice calmed me, so i closed my eyes listening to his heartbeats. I felt safe inside his arms. I could stay like this forever. It feels like home.

Few seconds passed like this. I was thinking of how good Noah is. Despite what my father did to him, he found excuses so i won't lose the only family that left for me, but i can't!

He still doesn't know that i have the tape! His ticket to the freedom.

I looked up at him. He looked down. I didn't want to end this but i just had to. "I have something to show you".

He hummed while i was letting go. I took out my laptop and opened it. Without saying anything i opened the video and handed him the laptop. He put it on the desk and stood front of it, putting his palms on the desk and leaning on them. He was focusing. I stood next to him crossing my arms.

He kept watching silently. His face was dead serious. His eyes looked darker and colder. Oh god!

When he saw the part where my father shot the still-alive guy, he tensed. I felt sorry for him. Six years of his life went for nothing.

The video was over. Noah stood still! He didn't move an inch while his eyes were still fixed on the screen. His breath was changing. I felt him getting angry.

In a second, he was smashing whatever was on the desk and nearby! Oh boy!

He was yelling while smashing. "Fuck! For years i served him like a fucking slave. I couldn't take my sister and runaway because he kept me fucking wanted!".

I tried to calm him. "Noah! Noah! Please. Stop!". I didn't know what to do so i just got right front of him. I cupped his face turning it to face me. "Look at me! Look at me! Don't do that, please. Everything's gonna be fine". i felt his breaths slapping on my face.

I was looking straight into his eyes and he was too. They were red and dark. I felt little frightened but i know him. He would never hurt me. He was calming down under my touch.

I pulled his head closer so i could lean my forehead to his. We both closed our eyes, listing to our heartbeats. He finally calmed down and put his hand on my waist.

I kept comforting him, talking in a low voice. "He's going to pay for this and for every single bad thing he did. I promise you".

He said in a weak voice full of pain. "He ruined Nana's life. He turned me into a monster".

I tightened my grip, getting even closer to him. "No, baby! You're two are so lucky to have each other. You are the best brother Nana could ask for. She loves you so much". I think my words were not only comforting him, but comforting me too.

Whatever John Adams is my father or not, he hurt innocent people, and those innocent people turned out to be my beloved ones. The right thing needs to be done.

"Noah!". Natalina yelled from the outside. I think she woke up by the smashing and the yelling noises.

We both looked at the door. We were going to head out but!

In a blink of an eye, there were a gunshot banging in the place followed by shattering noises!

We flinched and freaked out. Noah immediately pulled out his gun and ran outside the room. I followed him.

Noah stopped and stood still staring in shock! and i was next to him with wide open eyes!


Thank you for reading 🥰

New chapter and new feelings i think 😂

I hope you enjoyed reading this one as i enjoyed writing it. 😊💕

Can you compare our characters to another character you know? Who do you think they look like? 🤔
I would say Lucas is Joffrey from GOT 😂
Noah gives me the vibes of Paul Weasley 😜♥️

If there's mistakes please feel free to correct me 😊

I hope y'all are doing fine and well. Stay safe and healthy. ♥️

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