Chapter 5

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We were on our way to the airport. I was extremely excited.

My bodyguard was dead silent. I was looking at the side of his face. Strong jaw line and an untamed beard. I wondered what kind of a man my dad picked.

I looked away immediately since i didn't care, also i didn't want to be caught guilty by him through the rear view mirror!

Anyways the airport wasn't that far so i didn't feel the time passing since my mind was busy making fantasies of my own about that flight.

" Are we there yet? ". I asked spontaneously.

" Not yet. ". Short and enough!

I huffed but then i saw the signs of the airports so i jumped out of my seat to stuck to the window like a little kid. I thing Noah noticed of course but who cares!

We got there and he parked and then we got out of the car. I stood there staring to the airport building with amazement. It's not like i've never been in a plane before but it was basically a private jet and we used to travel from a smaller airport. More like one for private jets.

Noah got the luggage. It was Two suitcases for me and a small handbag for him. I think he's just gonna drop me there and then come back!

" Let's go ". He said separating me from my thoughts. I followed him looking around to people from all around the world.

I loved the feeling to be surrounded by a lot of people. Strangers specifically.

But i felt there were a weird movement at the airport! Or was it just me?

What made me pretty sure that also Noah kept looking around with an uncomfortable look, feeling something not right.

" What's going on? people seem angry. ". I asked him while i was looking up to his face who was just looking up farther than me.

" I don't know. Let's just keep moving. ". He put his hand on my back encouraging me to keep walking. His eyebrows were frown and i felt like he was tensed and alerted.

He was looking around lawkey! What's wrong with him!

We walked passing people to the check in points. Noah took my passport along side with his and gave it to the man standing behind the desk. But the man refused to take them.

" Sir, I'm sorry but all flight have been suspended for the next 24 hours. ".

" WHAT! ". I was in shock.

" Why? What's going on? ". Noah asked calmly while i was panicking there!

" There's a storm coming right to the city. So i'm sorry it's out of our hands Sir."

Great! What a freaking kind of a luck i have!

Noah turned around and took a quick look at the messy hall and then he grabbed my arm and started to walk towards the exit.

" Let's go. ". He was so calmed and that gave me the nerves.

" NO! ". I grabbed my arm off and stood there in the middle of the hall. I didn't want to make a scene. Not in my first day out in real public.

He just stared at me and frowned his eyebrows like he was questioning my behavior.

" I'm not leaving. ". Honestly i didn't know what i was doing.

" What are you doing? ". He was trying to remain calm. Oh the nerve of this guy!

But trust me i don't even know!

" Look, just do something. Pay him or what ever. ". I was desperate for this experience.

I could see now that his eyes were about to turn red and he was loosing his patience. He approached me like really close and grabbed my arm really hard and looked me in the eyes. I could sense his anger and smell his scent!


" Are you out of your mind? This is not one of your childish games, You understand me? And you're going to do whatever the fuck i tell you to do. ".

My mouth dropped open. I was amazed by his behavior.

He didn't need to shout or lose his temper, all he has to do is looking me in the eyes this way and i would be tamed for the rest of my life.

So that what i did. I followed him in silence while he was heading to the parking lot.

" My father is going to hear about this.". Okay i felt so stupid after saying this.

He didn't turn around to face me  but i could swear that he chuckled.

When we got out i noticed that the weather was fine! What storm could be coming this way!

We arrived where the car was parked and he put the luggage back in the trunk. I stood still feeling disappointed and sad.

" Get in the car. ". He ordered and i just did.

He got in the driver seat and took out his phone to make a phone call. I couldn't dare to ask who was he calling.

" There is a problem... All flights are suspended. Umm... Ummm. Okay Sir. got it". I assumed he was talking to my father and i was right.

So i leaned forward. " Was it my  father?".

" Yeah. ".

" And?". I swear i wanted to slap him really hard. This guy was calm and relaxed like there were nothing happening at all.

" He knows about the storm. So we're not gonna travel by plane.". He started the engine.

I wondered for a while. " How are we going to travel exactly?".

He tapped on the wheel. " By car.".

" A road trip?". That's not even possible. My dad wouldn't even allow that!

I closed my eyes a little. " My father would never allow something like that! Are you sure?".

" Yes He just told me that himself and we have to start driving now to make it on time.". That when he was driving out of the parking.

What time! Road trips are cool and everything, and even cooler than flights but, that means hours and hours of driving.

If we wanna make it on time that means Noah can't rest at all if that what my father meant!

And immediately an exciting idea popped into my head.

" FINALLY I COULD DRIVE.". The poor guy, i screamed and he flinched.

" That's even better than traveling by planes. I'm so ready ". I was excited and happy.

" Would you take your seat please and grow up.". He said while looking at me through the rear view mirror.

What an asshole!

I sit still in my seat putting my seatbelt and crossing my arm thinking how much fun i'm going to have with that fun killer over there.

" But i still going to drive right? ". Please say yes. " No ".

Great! We are stuck together for god only knows how much time.

But it doesn't matter, I was hungry for an adventure and i just got one.

And that's how our road trip got started.


What do you think of Lily's personalty so far? 🤔

Also Noah? 😅

Well let me know through the comments 💙

Have a nice day. 🥰🌷

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