Chapter 11

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* Lily's P.O.V *

I was trying to realize what just had happened! It was dark and i felt nothing but my body trembling hard. I was dead scared.

I didn't know how many seconds have passed until i felt Noah's presence behind me. He was putting his jacket around my shoulders and tighten it.

I felt like i needed that, I needed his presence next to me. I needed him to hold me!

He was silent. I couldn't see his face clearly in the dark but i felt his tense. I think he was trembling too!

My breaths were calming slowly, his too.

" Are you okay?". His voice came out cold and seemed to be coming from a deep place. I didn't answer him immediately, i was trying to catch my breath and swallowing the tears that stuck in my throat.

" Yes, you?". My voice came out shaking. " Good. We need to keep going before we face another same situation."

I just hummed and walked beside him holding his jacket tight to my body.

I never thought in my entire life that i would be put in a situation like that. Yes my father has enemies but i was always protected. I never even thought that i would be reacting like this. Who thought that i would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a stranger to be mobbed and scared by bunch of drunkies!

That happens only one in a million.

Lights! I see lights!

" Is that a gas station?". I said pointing to the direction where the lights are.

" I hope so, come on.". We walked even faster to reach them. I was jogging behind Noah. He has a long steps tho.

I finally felt relieved.

We approached the gas station. I looked around instantly, scared that the drunk guys might be stopped here or something, But the place was dead silent. It seemed abandoned!

There were a small market that Noah decided to walk toward it.

" When we get in there, don't say anything and try to look calm as possible, okay? ". He looked me in the eyes ordering me. It didn't feel much like an order but after what happened i won't argue him at all.

We walked inside and Noah walked towards the cashier, He was a middle age man i guess with messy hair. I thought he was sleepy or something since it's night but he was just watching a tv show.

" Excuse me, Umm, Do you know where is the next bus station?". Noah was specific. Bus station! You couldn't ask for a phone call or whatever!

The man turned his eyes hardly away from the tv and looked at us as if we just popped here. He leaned his head to look behind Noah at me. He raised an eyebrow. I felt nervous so i just kept looking at the sunglasses stand. So he decided to talk while he was looking at me.

" Not very close if that what you're asking for". He had a smirky smile!

" That's not what i was asking for". I couldn't see Noah's features but i could tell that he was slightly getting mad.

The man took a quick look at Noah then back at me but he immediately fixed his eyes back on Noah when he saw Noah's look.

He giggled, that when i thought he was drunk, or little drunk maybe. That guy is looking for his death!

Anyways, I was looking outside feeling warned. Yet the guy was still mocking Noah.

" Aren't you gonna buy anything for this information?". What are you doing dumbass!

Noah was patient. " Just the nearest bus station, thank you ". The guy got his feet up on the table crossing them front of Noah.

" Well, if you're not gonna buy- ".


Noah lost it, he grabbed the guy by his shirt up the counter smashing candy bars. the man's eyes widened, and that when Noah grabbed his gun out sticking it to the man's head.

I held my breath and couldn't take my eyes away. I was staring feeling something weird inside. Excitement!

" Why everyone have to act so smart fucking ass today, ha?". Noah was talking in a low voice tone.

This Noah! his coldness is freaking me out!

The man cleared his throat feeling scared to death. " Yeah. it's couple of miles away. Near the next town".

" Not that far after all, isn't it?". Noah asked and the man nodded so fast. Then Noah let go of him.

Finally i breathed again.

He turned to me. " Let's go". I looked at the man one last look then followed Noah out side. The cold air slapped my face, it made me shiver again. Oh great!

" That was- That was breath taking! ". I commented but he remained silent.

We got away from the gas station, walking towards the dark again.

" Bus station! You couldn't ask for something more reasonable? But a bus station! We don't have money remember". I was right tho.

" I'll figure out something". Ugh! The nerve of that guy.

" Like what? We're not gonna ask people for money! are we?". He was walking hands in his pockets and never looked once towards me.

" No". Just like that. I was loosing it.

I pulled his arm to force him to face me. He did and i snapped.

" Would you stop being that cold. Don't you care at all? What the fuck is wrong with you!". We were close that i got to see his reactions. Only if he had one!

He was calm again. " My job is to deliver you safe to your father and fiancé. By bus, By a spaceships, It doesn't really matter if i care or not then".

" You're unbelievable! I'm not some kind of a package to deliver me! I'm a person. And guess what, Sometimes i want to have someone to talk to, specially if we're stuck in the middle of nowhere. Gosh! you're driving me crazy". I covered my eyes with my hands trying to control my anger.

I never got that angry in my whole life. Why would he drive me crazy like that!

" Would you calm down. You're just like this because of what happened. You don't have to worry you're safe with me, Okay?". That was his longest speak i've heard so far. And yet it wasn't enough for me.

I stared at him. " Are you kidding me? YOU, you are the one who driving me crazy, Not those bunch of drunkies. What part of my words you don't understand? You asked for bus station i mean what was that!". I snapped again, only this time, I snapped directly right close to his face that i felt his breath changing.

It worked. He was loud now.

" What did you expect me to do? rob the guy!".

" Of course not, but you could've called someone".

" Okay, let's see. Out of this little brain of yours, By any chance, Do you save any number by heart?".

" No i don't, amish boy, you could've called the police, they would save our asses".

Heavy breaths, red widened eyes, high patch voices, People in another planets could hear us by now! Yet Noah saved his highest note to the very end.

" You think i didn't think of that already? The easiest way is not always the right way, Lily. I'm fucking wanted, alright!".

Finally, both of us were silent that i heard his last words echoing around. And i was just standing there stupidly staring at him.



Sorry for taking too much time for updating 😓

I'm not satisfied much of this chapter. I was trying so hard to update anyways.

Tell me what you think so far.

Thank you 💙

Later 😘

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