#10 - No Mist - Percabeth

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Set post Battle of the Labyrinth.

I don't even know how I got the idea for this. But hopefully you'll enjoy it.

The whole plot is changed once Hecate looses control of the Mist temporarily after a powerful flare of magic that gave the goddess memory problems. The same flare that changed her side of the war.






Let me just get this straight. I hate my name, Lime Grass. To be honest, what sort of a person has the name Lime?! Well, me. I don't have many friends, just Grace Simmons, Jack Green and Percy Jackson. My future husband. Percy, not Jack. Jack and Grace are dating. Percy will start dating me tonight, after the Summer Ball. He's been away from school for about a week, but he came back with scars and a haunted look in his eyes, like he saw someone die. "Li. Li. Li." I heard Percy call, shaking me out of my stupor. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." I snapped in reply. "What's wrong with you? I was just going to say that I shouldn't be at the dance tonight because I'm going to my best friend's house for a while in San Fransisco before going to Camp." He snapped at me before glaring at me and walking off. He can't not go to the dance! We're meant to go and he'll kiss me and we'll get married and have 3 kids named Ava, Jordan and Saskia and our honeymoon will be in Paris! This is not what I agreed to! This so-called 'best friend' needs to pay! I huffed and chased after him, not knowing where he went.



Apparently there are these crazy hybrid things called demigods and they pretend to be normal people and they're planning to take over their world with their creepy hybrid powers. Any demigods that are seen are to be reported and killed on sight so I have a stake in my bag in case I come across one. Yes, a stake, they're probably like vampires, super pale, hates sunlight and killed by stakes easily. I rounded the corner and saw a blonde girl that was way too pretty not to be a demigod. I was about to scream and stab her in the heart (I had my stake out already) when this huge black furry monster came out and jumped on her and she simply laughed "Hey Mrs O'Leary. Come out Seaweed Brain." Mrs O'Leary? What sort of a freak would call that... Thing... Mrs O'Leary?! And Seaweed Brain? That is like, such a 2-year-old name. She looked to a wall where a familiar looking hottie was standing against.



"Heel Mrs O'Leary. Wise Girl, are you ready to go see your dad again?" The girl shook her head "Seaweed Brain... I... I'm not ready to see him... I.. I don't think I can." Percy went up to her and gave her a hug "Annabeth, you are the bravest, smartest daughter of Athena I know. It doesn't matter what Helen does. I'll be there with you the entire time. And, you're my best friend, so no-one can try to make me leave." She looked ready to cry "Seaweed Brain... You may be a son of Poseidon, but you are smart when you want to be." Percy laughed and kissed her on the forehead. So they're both demigods... I should kill the girl and keep Percy-wercy to myself. I'm sorry, it's a risk I'm willing to take to get my Percy. "Do you wanna go now?" He asked the girl who nodded and they got on the monster and disappeared into the shadows on the wall.



I will get Percy Jackson and kil- Wait... Who is Percy Jackson again? Why am I out here? I shook my head and walked back towards my friends, trying to remember who the hell Percy Jackson was. That's when I noticed the stake in my hand "Why the HELL do I have a STAKE in my hand?!" I shouted as I noticed the wooden thing. Oh well. It probably wasn't needed anyway. I thought as I chucked it into the garden.



I have finally finished another one of these! This one only took like, a month or so. Probably not though. I do. I might be getting a Build-A-Bear for my birthday. I don't know yet though.

See you all next chapter.

Jamie Karim me (microphones way of writing Dreameh XD)


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