"I love you too, you cocky asshole." A smirk made its way onto my face as we leaned back and looked at each other. Jacob rolled his eyes playfully and then we finally stepped into the warm shower.


"Lyyyyla!" I turned around just in time to see Winter's excited face before she slammed into me, almost knocking me over in the process. I wrapped my arms around her and steadied both of us.

"Yes best friend who likes to try to kill me on a daily basis?" She giggled and hugged me tightly before pulling back and bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her grin is so wide that it looks painful.

"I missed you! I haven't seen you in so long!" She frowned and gave me puppy eyes. "All I had for company the whole time was that thing over there, and he's no fun at all. All he does is shuffle around like a zombie and make lame jokes all the time. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO LIVE WITH CARTER?!" She grabbed my shoulders and shook me a bit as said "thing" came walking up behind her.

She released my shoulders and turned around, smacking him on the chest and pouting up at him. He raised an eyebrow and reached up to ruffle his blonde hair. Winter huffed and crossed her arms, whirling around on her heel to face me. She gestured toward him wildly.

"You see what I mean? He just stands there like a rock. I will admit that he's really sweet though. When I'm having girly issues he brings me whatever I want and watches movies with me. I gueeeess I'll keep you." She sighed and hugged him. Carter wrapped his arms around her waist and shook his head, sending me a small smirk before kissing her forehead.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I'm really glad that these two got together. I was worried that they would never realize that they like each other, but they did eventually. Winter and Reese were only dating for a few months before they both decided that they're better off as friends. They were cute, but I think Winter and Carter are perfect for each other.

"You do realize that it's only been three days since we last saw each other, right Winter?" She stopped hugging her boyfriend and turned back around, sticking her tongue out at me.

"So what? That's three days too long! We're all best buddies and that means we need to see each other at least once a day so we don't drift apart!" I smiled at her and gave her a quick hug.

"Where's Jacob?" Carter asked as he pulled Winter closer to him with an arm around her waist.

"Ah... I don't really know. He just told me that he has some errands to run. He said he's bringing pizza when he comes home, so if you want any then I wouldn't eat too much before he gets back." Winter pouted at this. She loves food just like me, so it's hard for her to go long periods without snacking on something.

"But I'm a growing twenty-two year old girl! I need mah foods!" She rubbed her tummy sadly and Carter chuckled at her. She glared up at him. "What's so funny?"

"You haven't grown an inch since our freshman year in high school, Winter." She glared even more.

"You know what you are Carter?" She poked him in the chest and he raised his eyebrows at her again. I just stood there watching the whole thing and shaking with silent laughter. "You're like a damn raisin cookie that everyone thinks is a chocolate chip cookie! And that's a baaaaad thing to be, you little dingleberry." I snorted with laughter and had to put a hand over my mouth to contain it.

Carter placed a hand over his heart in mock-hurt and smirked down at her.

"You've wounded me babe. Right in the feels." She narrowed her eyes.

"The sarcasm is not appreciated." Winter grabbed our arms and I let her drag me across the parking lot. We all decided to meet in the Walmart parking lot since it's a two minute walk from my college and Winter and Carter were already there picking up some stuff. I rode to school with Jacob just like every morning, and he had to go do whatever it is he's doing so I decided to hang out with my friends.

We walked to their car and I got in the backseat as Winter and Carter climbed into the front. Winter begged me to sit in the front with her since Carter always changes the radio station while she's driving just to bother her. I was going to sit with her, but then I decided that it would be entertaining to watch that happen.

Once we got to their apartment we all climbed out of the car and went inside, pulling off our shoes by the door. Winter said that she's going to get snacks and then rushed into the kitched. Carter and I headed into the living room after finding a bunch of blankets and pillows. Yes we still have movie nights like we used to, and I love it.

I plopped down on the couch as Carter went over to pick the movie. Laying down on my side, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I wonder what Jacob is doing right now. He said that he had errands to do and that he would be back at around eight. It's only 4:30 now so I have a few hours to go before I get to see him again.

Winter came into the room with the snacks a little while later and Carter finally picked a movie. I sat up on the couch and leaned forward, snatching one of the blankets off the pile on the floor and wrapping it around myself as the movie started.

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