Chapter 14

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                I woke up a lot earlier this morning since I got so much extra sleep all weekend and yesterday. I woke up just after three and stayed in bed until it started to get light out and I heard birds chirping through the open window. I actually woke up in a reasonably good mood this morning for a change. Instead of being ready to rip someone’s head off, it’s just toned down to wanting to punch them in the face. Huge difference there.

                Groaning, I rolled over as I stretched. Suddenly the mattress wasn’t under me and I gave a little squeal, landing on the floor with a loud thump. I don’t see how no one wakes up when I fall and squeal like a pig. It’s not exactly very quiet.

                “Damn you, gravity,” I mumbled, standing up and rubbing my hip where I landed on it. Rubbing my eyes and tripping on a shirt on my way to the closet, I cursed again and kicked it out of my way. Yeah, so much for my reasonably good mood. I snatched a random pair of jeans and a hoodie off of the hangers and checked to make sure they look fine together.

                I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower, throwing on the clothes and a pair of black Vans. Scooping up my backpack from the end of my bed, I left the room and dragged my feet as I went down to the kitchen. Instead of having a bowl of cereal or toast or something, I just plucked an apple from the fruit bowl and took a big bite. The sweet taste exploded in my mouth and I ate the rest of it, throwing the core into the trash.

                It’s only four thirty so I went into the living room and put a Scooby Doo movie in, curling up on the couch to watch it. I’ll never get too old to watch Scooby Doo. It’s just not possible. When I have my own kids I’ll sit on the couch and watch it with them just like I do with Michael. Then he’ll be older. A teenager. I frowned at that thought. He’s my Tiger; he’s never allowed to grow up.

                Speaking of Michael, he came into the room, rubbing his eyes, and snuggled up into my side with my arms wrapped around his little body. I swear this kid has a built-in Scooby Doo detector. He always shows up when I turn it on. Every time. I don’t mind though.

                When the movie was over I carried him into the kitchen and put him in a chair, making a bowl of his favorite cereal. Fruity Pebbles. Another thing I’ll never get too old for. I didn’t get a bowl for myself though, just made him one and placed it in front of him at the table.

                “Remember to put your bowl in the sink when you’re done, Tiger.”

                “Okay, sissy. I-“ He yawned. “wub you.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

                “I love you too, Mikey.” He has a lot of nicknames. I ruffled his hair and slung my bag over my shoulder, going out the front door a few minutes later after I kissed his forehead as well. He’s going to be turning four soon which I’m really sad about. Like I said, he’s not allowed to grow up. When he gets older he won’t let me kiss him goodbye and he won’t cuddle with me when we’re watching movies. I hope he will but I know that when boys get to a certain age they don’t want their Moms and sisters smooching on them or hugging them, especially in front of their friends.


                Monday passed by quickly, to my relief, and Mom and Landon talked for a while. There were tears shed, of course, but she was smiling the entire time. She was ecstatic that he called and she got to talk to him. He also talked to Michael for about ten minutes.

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