My hands go over my mouth to hide my shocked expression.  This is the first time someone outside of my family has told me they loved me and actually meant it.  Sure, Eric said it, but it was just to get me to sleep with him.  Looking into Harry’s eyes, I can tell he means every word he just said to me, especially the part where I frustrate him.  My vision gets blurry due to the fact that I’m about to cry from being overwhelmed.

“I came here, yes to say hello, but to also ask if you’ll be my girlfriend.  So, Morgan, will you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?”

Almost every fiber of my being wants to shout yes, wrap him in my arms and finally kiss him after all this time, letting him know that I love him too.  The rest of me knows that this isn’t just a decision that I have to make.  “Harry, there’s more than just you and I in this relationship, if I say yes.  I have Stephen to worry about and how he feels about this.  He did warm up to you, but I need to talk to him about this and see if he’s okay.  If he says he’s okay with it, I will happily agree because I love you too.”

“I already told Uncle Harry he could ask.”  Stephen walks out with Charlie from behind one of our front bushes.

Tears immediately fill my eyes.  “What?”  I choke out.

Stephen walks over to us and grabs my hand, pulling me down to his level.  “Uncle Harry called Uncle Charlie a week ago and asked to talk to me.  He asked if he could ask you to be his girlfriend and I said yes.  He makes you happy, mommy, just like me.”

My arms fly around him and I pull him into a tight hug.  “You make me very happy bubs, thank you.  If you truly mean it, Harry will be my boyfriend.”

He nods fast.  “Uncle Harry is cool and fun.  He makes me happy too.”  Stephen leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek, making my heart melt.

I stand up and wrap my arms around Harry’s neck.  He responds by wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into him as close as he can.  Resting my face in the crook of his neck, I breathe in, happy to be in his arms after months.

“Even though I believe I know the answer, I still would like a verbal confirmation, please.”  Harry gives me a cheeky smile, making his dimples pop out.  Those damn dimples and boyish smile, making me fall for him even more than I have already.

“Of course I will be your girlfriend, Mr. Styles.”  I say, making him roll his eyes,

Harry goes to lean in to capture my lips but I stop him.  He gives me a questioning look which I respond to by glancing down at Stephen.

Stephen giggles.  “It’s okay, I’ll cover my eyes.”  He states as his hands fly to his eyes, effectively covering them.

We burst out laughing and Charlie grabs Stephen to go inside to start his homework and get a snack.

As soon as the door closes, Harry attaches his lips to mine, making me smile into our kiss.  The kiss gets more heated as we continue on with it.  After what feels like hours, the front door opens again and I jump away from Harry as fast as possible.

“As happy as I am for you, sis, I haven’t actually met Harry.  Him, Greg, Thomas and I have a lot to talk about.”

I roll my eyes, grab Harry’s hand and pull him inside the house.  “Oh back off.  He just got here.”

Harry and I walk inside, and I get him settled in my room before we go back downstairs.  Stephen finished his homework rather quickly, wanting to hang out with Harry and Charlie.

“Uncle Harry!”  Stephen calls from the kitchen while Harry and I are sitting on the couch, cuddling.

“Yes bud?”  Harry responds sweetly.

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