Chapter 98: The Temple of Madness

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Aria and Nya laugh

The Sushi Waitress smiles "May I tell you today's specials?"

"Yes, you may. Boy, am I hungry!" Jay shouts excitedly

"To start, we have some albacore tuna with garlic, crispy onions, and marinated destruction!" Her eyes glow red and she pulls out a kitchen knife to attack them "Hiya!"

"Jay!" Nya and Aria dodge the waitress' attacks

"I swear I thought it was a rest point!" Jay shouts

"Una—gami! Welcomes! You!" The Sushi Waitress hurls her knife at them, which gets stuck in the door

"Ha! Not too smart, throwing away your only weapon" Jay taunts and the waitress pulls out two more knives "Hey! No fair! There's no logic to this level at all!"

"You just had to jinx it!" Aria shouts at him "Come on it's not a game, Jay! Take her out!

"Also on special today: Monster Sushi!" The Sushi Waitress pulls a lever, and a small conveyor belt carrying plates of sushi activates

Aria picks up a chair and slams the waitress into a wall, defeating her.

"Whew, close call" Nya smiles and turns to Jay, only to find him being attacked by Monster Sushi "Jay!" She starts pulling the Monster Sushi off of him.

"Ow! Aah!" Jay shakes all the Monster Sushi off.

"huh.. that's the first time I've seen a food rebellion" Aria says

"Is your comment's really necessary?" Jay questions

"of course it is" Aria replies happily

 A door opens, and three sushi chefs leap out and start attacking with plates and knives. Jay and Nya defeat two of them with tables and their weapons, only for the third chef to show up with a mace. He throws the mace at them, which they dodge. The Monster Sushi surround them.

Aria runs and fights the third chef while Jay and Nya deal with the monster sushi. Once done, Jay and Nya noticed glitching all over the room.

"What's happening?" Nya questions worried

"I don't know, Aria-" Jay stops when he sees her holding off the sushi chef, her eyes were glowing purple, the glitches was worse around her. Jay gasps "Aria's making the game glitch, her dark powers are too great to be confined by the game, they're seeping in causing the game to glitch"

"Aria!" Nya shouts

Aria notices the glitches and headbutts the sushi chef, defeating him. Her eyes go back to normal and the game's glitches calm down.

"Sorry about that guys" Aria rubs her neck "I really don't understand that"

"It's alright" Jay reassures her "let's go end this"

Aria nods, a door opens, leading to the next level. The three Ninja go through it to find the Fire Wall.

Nya approaches it "Fire Wall. The last obstacle between us and Unagami"

They insert the three Key-Tanas into slots.

Jay looks happy "We made it! I couldn't have done it without you guys"

"We're a good team" Nya hugs Jay then looks at Aria "come here"

Aria stares at them, Jay and Nya both grab her and pull her into the hug, Aria smiles.

Nya looks up to see Sushimi, barely alive, hurl a mace at them "Look out!" she pushes the two to safety but is hit herself, losing her last life and getting cubed.

Ninjago: The Cursed ChildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz