Shaking my head, I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's good now, at least better than before. I told you there is nothing too much to worry"

He was about to retort when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Chanyeol frowned while I carefully accessed his expressions.

"Did you invite someone?" I asked.

"No, let me see" Saying that he quickly made his way towards his door and opened it revealing it was no one. Not a single soul.

Frowning, I walked towards Chanyeol and observed as he stood frozen in his place. When I got closer there was something in his hand. As soon as his lips moved, his shoulders slumped down while his fist tightly clutched the doorknob.

"What's wrong?"

Moving forward I saw a glimpse of something but before I could see it clearly Chanyeol turned around startling me. He stared at me blankly and replied in a quiet voice.

"Nothing. There are some kids around the neighborhood. Few of them might have tricked me. Come, let's go back I will make you some tea"

Not questioning him further, we walked inside again as he went towards the counter and started preparing tea meanwhile my mind went back towards his weird behavior. What's with Chanyeol?

Thinking back again, I didn't ask Chanyeol about him being attacked because there was no way he had any idea it was because of me and it would be too suspicious. Also, he would have too many questions which I'm not ready to answer.

I've never asked Chanyeol about his life after he escaped from his parent's clutches nor did I force anything out of him.

He has been a diligent, very smart student, his reputation has always been well, and there is not one bad thing mentioned about his background.

Even Jongdae, who is the closest to Chanyeol never once said anything about him that could hint at something bad.

Maybe, he is a bit mysterious but there was not one bone which gives away the aura of 'danger danger'

What are you thinking Baekhyun? You are doubting Chanyeol now? Are you insane!

Chanyeol is so sweet, So caring, So thoughtful. He is not a Bad Guy.

Shaking away all the thoughts and doubts I dismissed them away one by one.


Chanyeol's Pov :

"Tell me more about this masked man"

I asked the person behind the phone while my eyes stayed rooted over the envelope which now was ripped as few snapshots lay scattered before me, which I found just a few minutes ago hung over my doorknob.

The photos contain a cafe and few men in black surrounding it with one familiar and an unfamiliar man sitting on the table seem busy in some kind of discussion. The pictures weren't that clear but it was enough for me to hunt that person down.

"He is just a pawn of the real gamer. Someone who was just ordered to play around a bit" The person replied back but my heart wasn't at ease.

"What type of game?" I picked up another photo and skimmed it with my sharp eyes.

"To distract the victim,...Manipulating and causing mental grief"

My fingers clenched at a certain photo where the man in the mask pointed a gun at the teenager.

"Did he succeed?" Judging by the silence on the other hand I thought I got my answer until I heard him speak again.

"Almost...." Immediately, I felt my throat become dry. "Something unexpected happened....You do have the photos right?"

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