One More Bunny

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" What?! "

The poor pointed ears of the four young fairies almost lost their hearing ability from how loud their friends shrieked and screamed. Leaf had to help cover Solar's ears out of habit and instinct.

" So that's why the Queen sent for you yesterday! " Yaya efficiently pieced two and two together.

Cyclone faced his friends' shocked faces head on for his brothers with a sheepish smile. His face was an inch close to Gopal's who had moved in front of him, his eyes twitching in surprise. " You were chosen as representatives of the Seasons and you didn't think of telling us right away?! "

Cyclone grimaced at the volume, Blaze wincing a little beside him. " Well, I guess it slipped our minds a bit yesterday.. "

" How can something this big slip your minds? I would have been deceased from shock! " Ying exclaimed. She slammed her mug on the table, a bit of the tea spilling out. " It's such an honor to be asked to do this! "

Leaf finally deemed it safe to release Solar's ears. He dusted off imaginary fluff off his vest. " It's not like we're saying it isn't an honor. It really is, we swear, but.... I guess something is distracting us from the excitement a little bit. "

And this is when their friends get concerned. " Really? What's wrong? Did something happen? " Yaya asked the four fairies.

" It's nothing. We just spent time with the Queen and the Men and Mistresses, and we were told a tale that stuck with us longer than we thought it would, " Blaze reassured, nodding to Cyclone who nodded first to him. " Anyways, it's nothing to worry about. "

Ying sighed, puffed up her cheek at them. " Well, fine then. But, if you really do have stuff troubling you, I must tell us, okay? " She pointed an accusing finger at them, her eyes bigger than before.

The newly assigned representatives of Seasons nodded to her to assure her their promise. The subject ended there for now and Yaya hurried into her little pantry to fetch something for her friends. She hurried back once more, a tray of cookies in her hands.

The other fairies almost passed out just from the sight alone.

" Now that that's done, let's settle ourselves with some nice teatime! I have prepared my infamous cookies just for you guys! " Yaya cheered happily, swinging the tray of cookies as she danced in the air.

Solar slowly but very, very surely hid his being behind Leaf, who very quickly pushed him all the way behind his back, almost hiding him entirely with his body. Blaze did as so behind Cyclone, who subtly raised his arm to the side to 'protect' his brothers from this catastrophe of cookies.

" Uhm...... How-how about we wait till someone makes the tea first? We-we shouldn't only go half the mile, should we now...? " Blaze shakily suggested, smiling sheepishly and almost considering hiding back behind Cyclone's secure being. Everyone was relieved when Yaya gave it a thought.

" Sure! You guys wait here while I go and- "

" Ahhh! No, it's okay! I'll-We'll go make it for you! " Solar suddenly jumped out of Leaf's back and hastily wrapped his arm around Leaf's.

Leaf's wings perked up and he shot his head towards Solar in surprise. " W-what? " he wanted to ask but Solar pulled him towards himself and their heads almost crashed into each other.

" And we will be off into the kitchen! Rose tea for everyone, am I right? Alright Leaf, let's go! " Solar blabbered and pulled Leaf with him quickly into Yaya's kitchen.

Before Yaya could say anything, they had already gone in the room and shut the door behind them. " B-but.... Shouldn't I be serving my guests? "

" Just let them give a hand to you, Yaya. I'm sure they'll do just as good a job as you'll do, " Cyclone told her, putting a hand on her shoulder and gently pushing her back down onto the ground and onto the chair. Yaya seemed to calm and accepted their help.

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