Fairies of Seasons

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The clock had struck 12 and another day arose.

For the first few hours of the new day, the world is left to rest through it, earning it it's fair share of 8 hours of beauty sleep.

It was when the sixth hour of the day approaches that a certain Light Fairy jumped past the leaves and branches, sending them wavering at the light breeze he left behind.

Youngest Light Fairy Solar stopped on a steady branch of a midsized tree, his hand fixed on the trunk for support.
His resting wings fluttered weakly behind him, noting his excitement. He brushed his messy brown hair back, sighing contently.

Opening his eyes, he spotted a bright little ball of sparkles flying a good distance from him. The more he looked around, the more he saw the shiny figures appear. His fellow Light Fairies have arrived.

He lifted his hands. It was time to work their magic. Raising the morning Sun.

Knowing that he and his senior Light Fairies are working together, he smiled that the usual shine the Rising Sun brought every morning, sighing softly as the bright light shone on his tanned skin. 

The Light Fairies did what Light Fairies do best, and like always they stopped to admire their everyday work, before turning back and swiftly diving down back to the earth. Solar saw this, and began to jump down the little tree. Solar always followed his seniors in such act, because Light Fairies had another job other than raising the Sun.

" Rise and Shine!!! "

" Get up, Fairies!! "

" Time to wake up, Fairies!! "

Since Light Fairies must awake earlier than the earliest bird in the forest to begin the World's morning, it was also their job to begin their fellow Fairies' mornings as well. Oh, how they find joy in such a job.

" Wake up, wake up! My seniors, wake up! " Solar laughed out loud. He enjoyed messing with his big brothers and sisters, and as the youngest, being an early Light Fairy was the best advantage he could get yet.

He jumped from mushroom to mushroom, his seniors flying swiftly alongside him. Every senior who passed him gave him a wide smile before flying further away. It always encouraged Solar to run faster and faster.

" Come on, wake up! "

" Another day has risen! "

Solar followed one of his seniors into a burrow under a log. A few minutes later, he and his senior pushed out a whole family of yawning mice with much appreciated effort. Solar gifted each of them some cheese before hopping off into the heart hole of a tree.

Solar awoke another family of sleepy squirrels from slumber. Gifting them each some acorns, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. His partnered Light Fairy senior was smiling at him from behind. " Solar, " he said cheerfully, smiling at Solar's resting wings which noted his acknowledgement.

" Yes, senior? " Solar politely greeted.

" The Sun's almost up. The Fairies must be awake before then. Why don't you wake them up now, yeah? "

Solar's eyes lit up at the request. Oh yes! Solar's favorite time of the job! Nodding excitedly to his senior, he wasted no time to take the road he always took. The road to his friends' houses. The road to his caregivers ever since he bloomed out of his Lily. He approached one of the hollow acorn made huts, and kicked the door open.

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