One Last Time

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It has been a week since the incident. The atmosphere of the entire group was suddenly dampened, despite them trying to keep spirits high in front of the other fairies.

Cyclone smiled in front of others, during his working hours, he made it seemed like nothing happened. To the eyes of the fairies who didn't know what happened anyway. When he was on his own, his smile would disappear and his wings would droop. He had no reason to go out during the night anymore and just locks himself in his room after cooking their meals.

He was miserable, his friends and family could tell.

Blaze wasn't as fiery as he used to be. He'd look in the mirror and refuse to look at his eyes, because when he does, he would end up crying for hours. He would be the one to look after Leaf and Solar when Cyclone is gone, but even he couldn't help but retire to his hut without a single word sometimes.

Leaf and Solar used their time alone to talk to each other and give each other encouragement. Leaf could tell that Solar was sad that they couldn't visit the Winter border anymore. It broke Leaf's heart to see his dearest friends saddened. He wished he could do something to make things right.

"I really wanted to ride a snow owl.  But I guess that's never going to happen," Solar said sadly, burying his face in his arms. "I miss them..."

Leaf processed what he just said, and seemed to have a thought.


Leaf snuck through the grass, very careful and subtle with his movements so that he won't be seen by anyone. Once he confirmed that the coast was clear, he made his way towards the Winter border.

His movements were slow when he set foot on the log. What once brought happiness and joy now just felt empty and tense. It was eerily quiet, and Leaf felt a wave or nervousness wash over his body. He looked into the Winter border, it feels like it's his first time being here. It was not snowing. Just silence.

"Leaf, what are you doing here?"

Leaf was startled by the voice calling him. He thought that it was one of the Summer fairies and that he was in trouble, but that was not the case. The voice came from the Winter border. Something landed on the snow a few feet from the log.

"Quake," Leaf breathed when he saw the Icicle fairy. Quake seemed unsure, the usual friendly smile no longer on his face. He wore a frown, his eyes filled with remorse. Leaf scratched the back of his head, "Hi... W-what are you doing?"

"The animals needed a run. I offered to bring them..."

"Ah. Uh... How's Ice holding up?"

"He's doing alright. His wings are in good condition."

"That.. That's really good to hear..." Leaf fidgeted with his fingers as he was in the presence of the Winter fairy. There was a tense silence between them. Leaf didn't dare to meet his gaze.

He heard the snow crunch, that made him look up. "You're not supposed to be here. You should leave," Quake said, turning to fly off.

Leaf panicked and took a few steps forward. "Wait, wait! I-I want to talk to you!" Quake stopped, his wings just about ready to take flight again. Leaf licked his lips, fidgeting with his fingers again. "There was one thing Solar didn't get to do when we were in the Winter border. He wasn't able to ride a snow owl before."

When Quake didn't say anything, Leaf decided to go on. "Solar means a lot to me. I want to fulfill any dream he has, because he's been through so much..." he took a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry for what we did to Ice... A-after this, we won't come here again! I promise! We will do all the things we want to do, together, and then we will leave you guys alone...."

Soul Wings [Boboiboy Fairy AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora