Plan Gone Wrong

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Solar sat on a leaf as he watched the sun he rose. Usually he'd be running around waking his older 'brothers' up by now, yelling and shaking them until they awoke, but today he felt like he should start the day a little calmly.

He sighed as he gazed upon the rising sun, which he considered a good friend. Rubbing his neck out of habit, his hair waving softly with the morning wind. He sighed contently, a smiling forming on his face.

He noticed some of his seniors flying around in the distance. His mind suddenly reminisced. The days when he could still fly....

To be honest, he barely remembered it. It was a few days after he'd gotten used to flying after he bloomed. He'd gotten too confident, flew too high and met with an accident with a hawk. The fairies that tended to him said he was lucky he didn't lose a wing.

Lowering his chin to his arms that were resting on his knees, he sighed sadly. He doesn't even remember what his wings looked like. Ever since the accident, he never dared to look at his wings in case he'd try something regretful again. That's why he always wore a jacket.

He remembered almost never coming out of his room. Not even answering the knocks his brothers did on his door, not even eating the meals Cyclone cooked for him. Not even laughing even Blaze told cheesy jokes. Not even... Not even letting Leaf in.

It was when he heard Leaf crying in the middle of the night outside his door, he finally felt the slightest bit of emotion. He'd slammed the door open, wrapping Leaf tightly in his arms and crying all night with him. Cyclone and Blaze found them both sleeping at the door of Solar's room without any blankets the next morning. Solar remembered how Cyclone freaked out about them catching a cold.

Solar smiled at the memory. At least there were just as much good ones as there were bad ones.

He got better from then on. Started eating his meals, even if it was just a few bites. Started laughing at Blaze's jokes that were just as cheesy. And of course, started letting Leaf in again. At that time, Leaf was practically Solar's will to live.

To him, he was and still is his personal sun.

Huffing, he gently slapped his cheeks. His expression turned into one of confidence. He's better now, he may miss his wings, but he won't let that stop him from living his life.

Maybe one day he'll find the courage to use his wings, but he doubted it would ever happen.

He urged himself to smile. It was a new day! And that meant new adventures! His brothers might be waiting for them, so he jumped off the leaf and swiftly made his way to their huts and give them the good old wake up call.


Solar's eyes beamed as he watched the snow owls carry their delivery for that day. Even if it was already his third time watching them, it never failed to amaze him. Probably because he's never seen a snow owl up to this point.

"Solar, are you gonna bring me that tool or what?" Leaf chuckled, seeming to have been staring at the younger rather than working on the machine in front of him.

"Oh! Sorry! Here," Solar jogged his way to Leaf and handed him the tool he was originally sent to fetch.

"Thank you!" Leaf sing-songed. "You're still very fascinated by those snow owls, aren't you? It's been three days since they've been arriving and you've been watching them every time."

"But I can't help it! It was my first time seeing a real life snow owl. If I can get close enough, I want to get a feather from them to examine it."

Leaf stopped his work and stared at Solar. "Look at your adventurous mind at work again. To be frank with you, Solar, I don't think it's possible to get a feather. They only just swoop down just about enough for their claws to grip the basket handles and they're gone. They're too fast for us."

Soul Wings [Boboiboy Fairy AU]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα