Crossing the Winter Border

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Solar poked his head out from the sapling he hid behind, checking his surroundings for any other fairies flying about. When he saw none, he dramatically sprinted his way towards Cyclone's hut. The older fairy took a day off that day as the baskets were all done and over with the day before.

Solar put his arms out at the door as he spun his back toward it, unnecessarily going into secret spy mode.  Confirmed that the coast was clear, he took hold of the doorknob and swiped himself inside, closing the door with a bang as quickly as he opened it.

"OH MY- Solar! Don't just come barging in like that, I have sharp things in my hand!" the owner of the hut scolded from the coffee table at the middle of the room.

Solar paid the scolding to no mind and excitedly skittered to where he sat, eyes fixated on the thing Cyclone was working on. "It is almost done? Will I be able to wear them tomorrow?"

Cyclone sighed, and continued sewing the nearly done jacket. "Just a few more patching up on the sleeves and buttons and I think it'll be ready." He chuckled amusingly when he saw Solar perk up with sparkles in his eyes, a look he thought was only meant for Leaf.

"You really want to go to the Winter border that badly, huh?" Cyclone guessed, not much of a guess but more of a statement.

"Of course! There must be so many things that I haven't known yet through that border! Imagine all the new things I will learn and new experiments I can make. I can't wait!" Solar spun on his toadstool. "I'm so glad Thunder is willing to help us explore the Winter border. Isn't he great, Cyclone?"

"Of course he is, he's my boyfriend," Cyclone said in subtle pride. "Even so, you still have to be careful and not stray away from the group. Summer fairies are not allowed in the Winter border, that means Thunder, Quake and Ice are doing us an illegal favor. So, if you don't want your visit to be cut short, you'll have to follow what the Winter fairies say by the book, alright?"

Solar nodded immediately. Cyclone wondered if he was even listening. He huffed, cutting the thread with his teeth. "There, that should do it." He hung in over Solar's figure, eyebrows raised and admiring his work. "A good sewing job, if I do say so myself. If you want to try them on, the other two jackets are in my closet."

Solar stood upright, took the jacket and disappeared into Cyclone's bedroom. Cyclone could barely hear his excited 'thank you' from the room. The wind fairy rolled his eyes amusingly with a gentle crooked smile on his face.

Solar was right. One night during one of their meetings, Thunder had suggested some ideas on how they could get them into the Winter border without unwanted attention. He, Quake and Ice were all very welcoming to guide them around. Of course, Solar definitely wanted to go. And of course, Cyclone was no stranger to the feeling.

Cyclone definitely wanted to explore the Winter border, heck, he'd been wanting to cross over ever since his younger years. However, because of the constant warnings the Queen gave him, he never really dared. Well, that is until he made a friend on the opposite border. A friend who would soon become a permanent piece of his heart.

Solar came bursting out of the room looking like a squirrel's acorn stuffed mouth, waddling as he struggled to close the bedroom door behind him. Cyclone snapped out of his thoughts and snorted at the sight. "I'm feeling warm just by looking at you."

"Then that means it's perfect! Though I think you need to tone down on the thick layers a bit, I can barely see my feet in these."

"That's the whole point of these jackets, Solar. They are supposed to keep you warm, not make you look like a model." Cyclone joined Solar at the floor mirror, doing a surprisingly good job in suppressing his laughter. Solar rolled his eyes, his arms stuck hovering at his sides from the multiple thick layers.

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