Day of the Red Rose

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How this day full of love came about is fairly simple. It all started with the Mistress of Spring who had a love for flowers of any kind.

The Men of Summer and Autumn often saw her reading books to flowers, and the Queen always would catch the Mistress dancing around her self made garden from her window. Even during the times the Mistress of Winter could visit, she never saw the pink Mistress without a new flower in her hair.

They never thought she would love anything more than flowers. And they were right.

One day, when the four keepers of Seasons came over for tea, the flowery Mistress wanted to suggest a day to appreciate flowers annually. Keepers of summer, autumn and winter found this amusing.

Fairies of the Summer border already hold flowers so dear, especially nature fairies. So, they didn't see the need to declare a particular day just to appreciate something they already appreciated.

The Queen could see dissatisfaction in the eyes of the Mistress of Spring. She eyed the Mistress of Winter who sat next to her as she sipped her own cold brew of tea. The Delicate Snowflake caught her gaze.

Her little fraction of the room was frozen solid. With the help of the Winter crystal kept alongside the other crystals of seasons, she was able to walk around the Summer border without problems. Icicles drooped from the ceiling and snow collected at the armrests of the Mistress's chair. Behind her the wall was covered in frost and no plants were hung there.

"I think..." she began to say. Her Ladyship, Men turned to her. Mistress of Spring kept her gaze away with a huff. "I think we can make it work."

The plump Mistress perked up and started to listen. The Queen giggled. "What do you suggest, Winter?"

The Mistress of Winter kept a gentle smile. "Well, since Spring wants to make a day where she can cherish something that she loves, why not expand the idea to something more than flowers?"

Everyone was listening. Man of Autumn hummed. "And what would that be, do you reckon?"

The Mistress kept her hands on her lap, her eyes warm despite everything around her being cold. "Why not make it a day where fairies can cherish and gift everything that they love?"

And so it began. A while before all the fairies where due to enter the mainland to welcome spring there, the Queen gathered everyone and declared the day where all fairies could be with everyone they love and spend the day with them.

Many wondered, a day as special as this must surely have a name. The Queen smiled, and let the Mistress of Spring step forward. She wore a big smile, and raised her arms up.

"Let the Day of the Red Rose commence!"

To twin, the Mistress of Spring gave the name White Rose Day to the fairies at the Winter border, much to the Winter Mistress's delight.


Cyclone was comfortably doing his work. Just another day working on some more baskets for the Winter border. One of the cogwheels in machine got loose and one of the teeth broke, so Cyclone was stuck fixing it for a while.

He was definitely happier now that he didn't have such a big burden on his shoulders anymore. The reveal went was better than he'd thought it would, and he was thankful for that.

He observed his handy work, turning it round to make sure it's good to go. He smiled when there were no mistakes. He was really in a good mood today.

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