Part 44 | Let's See Where We Wake Up tomorrow

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We arrived in Tokyo at around 10pm already. Kai, Hanna and James stayed with me at the Penthouse.

Mr. Tomoyuki has already instructed my hotel chef to prepare dinner for us.

Around 11pm, Mr. Tomoyuki went to my Penthouse and handed me the ring I ordered and have it customized. This is what I supposed to wait in Tokyo for a week. I didn't expect it will be done so soon. Thanks to Mr. Tomoyuki for using his powers to make the customization so fast! It's a simple ring, with precious diamonds on it. Just a flat ring covered with diamonds. Because, yes, I am going to marry Jen again.

"Wow! That's so nice, Lis. She will surely love it!" Kai told me at the balcony when we're having a light drink.

"I hope so, man. You know Jennie. She will scold me for buying her expensive things again." We just laughed.

I realized, I can go back to New York anytime soon since I already have the ring with me. But I promised James to tour him around Tokyo and bring him to Disneyland tomorrow. I called Mr. Tomoyuki to book me a flight on Wednesday already and no longer wait for Saturday. I can't wait to see Jennie.

MY LOVE: Good morning baby. Nice to know Kai, Hannah and James are with you. Are you in Tokyo already? Tour them around ok and have fun while you're there. But please, no girls! Don't forget to rest okay?

I chuckled upon reading my wife's message. God Jennie. I want to see you now and I would never ever cheat on you, Jennie. You just don't know how you make me fall in love with you over and over again for 18 years.

Me: I will tour them, babe. I will never cheat on you, Jennie. You know that you're the only woman that calms me and make me go crazy for you at the same time. How ironic. I love you, baby. Have a great day ahead and call me anytime you want!

Sent my message to her. I am deeply thinking of the fact that I am going back to New York. Am I ready? Well, you should be, Lisa. You will never be sure of what life throws you, but you have Jennie with you so why be scared? And you should also be strong to face the stains of the past. You have kids already. You have a company to run. And you have a beautiful wife to live with. Take deep breath and move forward!

Just a few minutes after I sent my text to Jennie, my phone rang. I wonder why she called already. I know she just arrived at the office by this time and she's supposed to have a meeting. Hmmmmm.

"Hello babe?" I answered the call.

"Ms. Lisa, this is Tzuyu. Something happened to Ms. Jennie at the basement parking when she's on her way to her office. Good thing our security saw her immediately and she rushed her to the hospital when she fainted." Tzuyu in her shaky voice.

"Tzuyu, what hospital? Make sure Jennie is okay. Please call Dad and Mom. Please! I am taking the first flight tomorrow. Well it's 1130pm here so I guess I'm heading to the airport now. Thank you, Tzuyu." My fingers were terribly shaking when typing my message. God, what happened to Jennie.

"Mr. Tomoyuki. Can you check what's the earliest flight going to New York? Something happened to Jennie." I stuttered the whole time talking to him on the landline.

"Ms. Lisa, calm down. I will get back to you on this immediately. Just let me have a look at the airline system." He assured me.

As I was waiting for him to call back. Kai already prepared my things and told Hannah that he's bringing me to the airport.

"Ms. Manoban, I found a 2am flight and I think better if you leave the hotel now. Your plane is still used by Bam at the moment and he's still in Norway. Take the earliest flight. Let me know if I can assist you on something."

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