Part 28 | You Were Terribly Mistaken

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I tried calling our friends but no one's available to accompany me now. I just kept driving. I can no longer hold on to my emotions anymore. This is killing me.

I kept driving and driving and don't know where to go and it's already 10pm.

I saw a bar in front of me. I don't know what came to my mind why I went inside.

I settled myself at the bar counter and ordered for a glass of Jack. It became three. I am still fine. No dizziness or whatever. A girl approached me. She is familiar.

"Hi Ms. Lisa. I don't know if you can remember me." She said.

"Hmmm. Sorry. Have we met before?" I asked.

I ordered a glass of jack again.

"Yes. I was the girl at your office one time. The one who fell on the floor? Sana." She said. I remembered.

"Oh. Okay. Hi Sana. So how long have you been in my company?" I asked.

"Oh. I am not actually working at your company. That time I applied for a job, but I was not qualified. So yeah." She said.

"But do you have a job now? Maybe I can help you?" I offered.

"None yet." She answered.

I have to pee so I excused myself first and headed to the restroom.

When I came back, she was still there. How I wished she left already. I'm really not comfortable talking to someone I don't really know.

I went to my chair and drank the remaining jack left on my glass.

"Hey. If ever you plan to apply again, just tell the receptionist to call me and mention your name. Good luck to you." I bid goodbye.

On my way to the parkingnlot, I felt a little dizzy. I know I'm not good at drinking alcohol, but I am sure myself could still handle.

I sensed someone's following me. She is following me.

When I reached my car. I felt my body was like a jelly. I have no strength anymore like I was drugged. I leaned on the door for a moment.

I could see her in front of me but my sight is starting to go blurry.

She kissed me. She hugged me. I am trying to avoid. I swear. I was avoiding everything and tried to push her but I have no strength. What is happening to me.

I also saw a man passed by. I tried to call him to ask some help but he ignored me.

Sana kept on touching my body. I was reaching for my key in my pocket so I can enter my car, but why is it my hands feel numb.

She unbuttoned my pants and pushed it down with my boxers. I felt her grabbed my cock out and rubbed somewhere wet. I was fighting, I know. I wanted to push her. In my mind I am pushing her away. I swear.

We heard a whistle, I think that's from the security. She ran away.

I was helping myself to get my pants and have it buttoned again. It took me a long time to do it. Still dizzy and Jelly. I have been reaching for my key for like I don't know how long already until I got it. I opened my car and sit on the driver's seat opened the windows and stayed still.

After a few hours, I came back to my senses. I am trying to remember everything but, only a few are flashing back. One thing's for sure, I didn't put my thing inside hers. Shit. I should tell Jennie about this. I shouldn't have a drink in the first place.

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