Part 11 | Courting Kim

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"Hi Rosé, are you at the office already? Would It be ok if you come to my office now, best friend?" I called Rosé because I have something to ask from her.

A few minutes later, I heard a pair of high heels approaching her. She's siting on her chair with her back facing the door.

"So, Lalisa. Tell me, how sweet is Jennie's pussy?" Rosé asked but still with her glam aura.

"Language, Rosé!" I said a hard tone, shocked with what Rosé said.

"Cut to the chase, Manoban. What is it? Having your sweet tone on the line made me think you have already tasted your Jennie." Rosé teased me nonstop.

"Not yet. I –I actually am...asked her to---" stuttering but cut by her.

"To be your girlfriend? Wife? Tell me!!! Shit! I told you, my decision was right. Finally, my JenLisa ship is sailing!" Rosé said excitedly.

"What?! No. Let me finish first. Okay?" I calmed the situation first and she nodded.

"Rosé, I asked her yesterday if she could help me choose what house to buy. We chose the one we perfectly liked. Then I asked her if I can court her. But she didn't give me a straight answer if she'd allow me. We were interrupted by another topic. So, would you help me find out if she really agrees with my intention to court her?" I told Rosé with excitement on my face.

"Lisa, what are you? 9? I know how big your dick is. It's too obvious how long it grows whenever Jennie Kim is around. What I'm trying to say is, you don't need to know if she agrees or not, just do it. You're 26 already. My god!" Rosé in her bitchy yet strong words of advice.

"What if she doesn't want to be in a relationship, Rosé? What if she only wants us without a label?" I asked her with a little hesitation in my voice.

"Manoban, stop acting like you're still a high school kid. You know the answer to your question. Court her! Goodness! Let me ask you a question. You know that  Joong-ki will be Jennie's pair for ELIA, the film that you will produce very soon, right?" I got confused of Rosé's question.

"Uhh.. yeah?" I answered.

"Have you read the script?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered in a bored tone.

"Jennie Kim will have sex scenes where your girl will be naked with Song Joong-ki. And that guy is so hot." She went straight to the point.

"I'm the hottest, Park.". I said confidently.

"Wow! That confidence! Should we thank Jennie for that? What I mean, Lisa, seeing Jennie making love with another guy, is it ok with you?" She asked.

"In the movie? Of course! She's a great actress, Park. Jennie can handle everything. And I will always support her. You know I have watched all her films especially those with steamy scenes, right?" I said with a smile.

"And the pervert in you has just come out. How about in real life, Lisa? What if you see someone courting your Ruby Jane and soon will be in a relationship, get married, have kids and sadly, not yours?" She asked.

"Whoaaaa. Take a pause. Wait. No. Of course, that's not gonna happen. I will be the only father of Jennie Kim's children in the future." I said with a little worry that Jennie Kim might be owned by someone else and not me.

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