We Are More Than Just Rivals

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Keith's POV:

Everything around me seemed to fade away. Every sound, every movement, every distraction that could draw my eyes away from him evaporated into nothing. But all of my senses heightened when it came to him: his finger under my chin sending fitful sparks of desire through every nerve in my body, my chest pummeling itself against my chest as I became painfully aware of how close together we were. So close that I could see each of his dark, accentuated lashes, his gentle sapphire eyes which helf a hidden smile and every light freckle which dusted the bridge of his nose.

He leaned in, gradually closing his eyes, and I froze. Paralyzed. I wanted to move forward and connect out lips, to feel that electricity when we touched, but what would happen if I did? Would everything be magically okay again? Would it be awkward between us? Well, if it was, it would only mean that nothing had changed. We'd kissed before, but that didnt work out well the last time. And why was he kissing me? I mean, we hadn't really talked about it, apart from me rambling, and I guess it would be romantic if we did, but wasn't he thinking about the consequences? About how things might change?

However, all of those doubts and fears vanished as his lips slowly moulded with mine, twisting his head to the side so it would fit comfortably.

I was expecting that he would kiss me, yet a surge of panic still rushed through my body and I stiffened at his touch. Most likely embarrased by my reaction, he recoiled, blushing faintly and scratching the back of his neck.

"I- um... sorry, I didn't- I mean I did, but I- I didn't think you'd... y'know-"

I shook my head, breathing shakily. "No, no don't worry. Its...uh..."

We didn't look at eachother, but at the floor, or the ceiling, and no words were spoken either. We just stood in the cutting silence, feeling the awkwardness rise in the room until my eyes flicked to Lance's unintentionally, and he looked my way at that exact moment.

And I couldn't look away.

Because the hunger that had been sitting idly in my chest was now emerging again. Suddenly I didn't feel shocked anymore. I didn't want to run away.
I just wanted him.

I bit the inside of my cheek, bracing myself, and then opened my mouth. No going back now.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear, but I'm-"

"I don't know about you but I'm-"

We both spoke at the same time, finishing on the same, whispered phrase.

"Fine with this happening."

Lance walked up to me, his hand visibly clutched into a fist, like he was trying to gain enough courage into getting close to me again.

"You- you sure?"

I tried to answer. To say yes. Because in reality, I was. Sure that I'd had enough of the nerves and the tension, and the only way to get rid of them was for us to get over ourselves and our pride. And if I didn't say anything, Lance would get nervous and second guess himself, try to hide in himself and tear his skin apart.

So I showed him the only way I could.

By actions rather than words.

He was only a step away from me, but I pulled him towards me, rested a hand on his gradually warming face, and without a seconds hesitation, pushed my mouth against his.
And for the first time in seven days, I felt him relax into my hand, moving his lips in sync with mine. The cinammon scent of his jacket made me feel light, disoriented, but it only made me want to push harder up against him, bury myself in it with him and fall asleep with the smell enveloping me.

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