Is This a Game? I Like Games

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Lance's POV cuz I haven't done enough of him and he deserves more:

The whole ride back, we didn't speak. We'd been out for hours on end, so I presumed it was quite late at night. But during that time, Keith wouldn't even look at me, so eventually I left his hand rest and stood in the corner, my arms folded. I could tell that Kogane was uncomfortable, red and flustered as he turned Red and took off for the Castle. In fact, he was probably going faster than necessary, clearly very eager to get back to his room and not come out for hours.

I didn't blame him.

What had occurred only minutes ago was so embarrassing, yet so endearing. Yeah, slapping Keith was a bit overboard, but he didn't want to listen. I knew it was risky, telling him about my feelings in the Garrison. But he needed to know. It was important if I wanted to get closer to him.
Confessing that I'd admired him for such a long time was an... interesting experience, though. It was such a relief to finally get it off of my chest, but I was aware that by telling him, I would have potentially given up my act.
He didn't react well to it. Well, he didn't say anything. Just stared at me. I wondered if I'd said something wrong, when all of a sudden, we fell, and...
I cringed, banging my head against the wall multiple times in frustration. Keith must hate me. It was so awkward when we were like that together. He looked petrified, like he'd just watched me murder Hunk, then thrown Pidge out of the Castle of Lions, then shaved off Coran's moustache in cold blood.
I knew he wouldn't want to talk about it, he's not that type of person. He'd want to forget about it, and pretend it never happened. I didn't want that though. I wanted us to sit down, and actually have a proper conversation about what I'd told him, and his reaction to it. However, I wouldn't be getting that any time soon.

Keith scanned for the Castle, since it was invisible to prying eyes, and eventually, we located it, his lion flying into the hangar and into the clearing. I followed him as he stepped out of the cockpit, taking off his helmet and whipping his hair frantically like a dog would after a bath. I rolled my eyes, grunting.

"Stupid... dumb ass mullet," I said, kicking the heels of my shoe in annoyance and looking down at the marble ground. Of course he still looked so perfect - he didn't even have helmet hair! I couldn't even pull that look off. He really did beat me at everything.

"What did you say?" he barked, not bothering to turn to face me. Still humiliated, I presumed. Trying to distract himself, he rubbed Red's front leg, and she purred affectionately.

"I didn't say anything. I'm just tired."

Keith rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, nodding slowly. "Uh, yeah, me too. I think I might just go to my room. I'll sleep a bit early tonight." My heart jumped slightly.

"I thought you were gonna stay in my room?" It was an abrupt question, but I had an excuse. The Lance who had lost his memory was not the same person as the Lance who hadn't been poisoned. I could act a different way, and he couldn't object to it.
Finally, his eyes met mine. They were sad, and dull. Dark circles I hadn't noticed before ringed them, making his eyes sag. He genuinely looked like he hadn't slept for the past week. "I'm sure you're fine. We went out in my lion today and Zarkon wasn't able to track us. I think you should be okay."

I grimaced. I wanted him to be with me. Even if we weren't talking, I needed to feel him next to me. Not like how it was in the cockpit of Red when we tripped over eachother, but how it was when he lay next to me on my mattress. I felt safe next to him.


Was I really being that clingy? Only days ago had he screamed at me and pushed me away. And now I wanted to snuggle with him. Am I that desperate? I had to lay off a bit, before he realised my infatuation for him. No, I'd call it more than an infatuation. I'd go as far as to say he was my crush.

Memories // Klance Where stories live. Discover now