The Calm Before the Storm

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Keith's POV:️Vomit Warning⚠️

Lance smiled toothlessly, breathing slowly and heavily beside me. He was uncomfortably close, but I didn't care. His nose was almost brushing my own, and the heat of the room made his dark, brown hair stick to his head, but it was kind of cute. Yeah. I could finally admit that without feeling a slight cringe in my stomach. After Pidge had contacted me, the only place I wanted to be was with Lance. I knew something was off about him, and the way he was acting, but I just ignored it. All I wanted to do was stay like this, silent, and staring into his eyes longingly. I knew for a fact that I looked like a hopeless romantic, an idiot who had too many emotions, but they were so blue, and glinted with excitement and energy every so often. I could gaze at them for hours and not know that I was.

Yet behind this facade that Lance liked to put up, there was a raging sea which he hoped no one would notice. Choppy, fierce waves running rampage in those azure eyes. It made them feel more real. More like a person than the cardboard cutout Lance had become because of the Yeounal. He didn't look confused, or scared, or worried at all. He looked warm, and content. He shouldn't be like this, my brain blared warning alarms in my ears, but I ignored them. I didn't want to think about anything else.

"I don't want to get up today. I just want to stay here. And chat," Lance said, giggling sweetly. The sound was a punch to my stomach. He has to stop doing that or I'll go crazy. He pulled some of his duvet over him, and fluttered his eyes. It was like he was doing this on purpose.

"Yeah, but I'm hungry. And I don't want to talk. There's nothing to talk about." My words sounded bittersweet - I wanted to talk to him about everything.

Wow, I really was a goner. In the space of a couple of days, I had gone from denying my feelings for Lance to a gay panic. It didn't help that he pouted his lips, feigning irritation. At this point he was basically asking for it.

"Well, we can talk about what happened in the Red Lion's cockpit."

"No." It's too soon. My heart would break into tiny, little broken pieces if I had to confront that embarrasing moment.

Lance rolled his eyes, then grinned. "Okay, then tell me something interesting we've been through before. Like, in the Garrison."

"How do you even remember the Garrison? I didn't tell you about it."

"I don't know. My brain just remembered." Lance laughed nervously, looking down at his long, elegant fingers. I guess that made sense after what Coran told me. I shouldn't be so paranoid about how he was being. So why did I still feel so uneasy? I'd gotten everything I'd wanted. Lying with Lance, chatting, him smiling when I said something funny. But I still didn't have him. He still didn't want me like I wanted him. 

"Okay, well there is this one story, but you have to promise not to laugh. It's actually really traumatizing."

His face fell. "Oh. I'm sorry. Was it really bad?"

"Oh, no, no!" I said, shaking my head vigorously. "Not that kind of traumatizing... but like, humiliating."

"Ah, I get it." Lance smirked, and snuggled up a bit closer to me, his cheeks turning pink. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the did Lance think he was doing?

I tried to act as though I didn't care that we were snuggling. Like it was a normal thing for us to do. The blush in my cheeks was incredibly visible, but I attempted to contain it from spreading to the rest of my face.

It didn't work.

"Okay, so this happened aaaaages ago."

A small smile formed on my lips as I remembered it, the memory flashing in front of my eyes.

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