The Date that Isn't Really a Date

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Keith's POV:

Red hummed playfully as she felt my hands start to increase in warmth. Lance was sitting on the arm rest of my seat, entwining his legs through mine so that he didn't fall backwards. I started to sweat profusely in my helmet. It was awkward, and slightly uncomfortable. Why was it getting hotter in here? Was my lion heating up? Or was if just the redness of my checks burning? I spoke to Red, talking to her through our connection. Listen, you know I don't want to be in this situation, okay? Don't make it worse.
My lion roared twice, laughing at my embarrassment, as if to say, are you sure about that? I scowled, and gripped my thrusters harder. Red flew even faster into Space, the clusters of stars brightening the dark abyss. Lance clutched onto my arm, smiling and whooping as we drifted through different galaxies, and purple suns .
"Huh. That's funny. Blue and Red makes purple." Lance giggled, blushing as he looked at me.
I bit my lip, wincing.
This wasn't real. Lance would never have said this. It's just because he lost his memory that he's acting like this towards me. It felt like a punch in the gut - why couldn't we be like this normally? I didn't answer him, but just let go of my controls, leaning back into my seat and closing my eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?"


Lance frowned. "Oh come oooooon Keith! Aren't you supposed to be answering my questions? Is that not why you're with me?"

"Ugh, fine. But it depends what the question is."

"Its about you. Or us, for that matter."

I kept my eyes closed, trying not to show any emotion on my face. "No."


Lance could make me swoon and make me want to kiss him sometimes, but he could also make me want to shove him out of my lion.

"Fine. What is it?"

"Why do you hate me so much?"

I froze. That wasn't a subject I wanted to touch on, especially considering my feelings for him. It was too touchy, a vulnerable place for me. And I hate vulnerability. It's for the weak. I'm not weak.

"I don't hate you Lance."

"Then why are you always so rude to me? I don't understand..."

He really had the nerve to say that? After everything he did to me? All of the turmoil he put me under, and he asks why. "You're kidding, right? You were the one who pulled me into a rivalry I didn't care to be in!" Lance scrunched his nose, shuffling away from me a little. It was just a small movement, but small enough for me to notice it. 

"Well that's not how I remember it-"

"That's the problem! You don't remember. You've made up this image of me that you want to believe, but it's not true. Why is it that you hate me so much?"

"When have I ever said that I hated you?"

He's joking right? Tell me he's joking.

"Like, every day of the week. You literally say, and I quote, 'Good morning Keith. I hate you by the way'."

Lance grinned, his teeth perfectly white and straight. I hated it so much. But it was also so adorable. So adorable.

"I don't regret ever saying that. But seriously, have you ever considered that maybe I don't hate you as much as I say so?" His smile dropped, and turned away, staring at the darkness of the outside. I didn't speak, couldn't speak. I'd known Lance for 4 years, all of them at the Garrison. And after all of our bickering, and fighting, and so called rivalry, he just... acts like he never meant it all? Don't get me wrong, I revelled in it. Loved the feeling that Lance didn't want to murder me every time I talked to him. But this was too far. He was messing with my head.

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