We Are Just Rivals

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Lance's POV:

Sometimes I don't know why I hate Keith so much. I know it started in the Garrison, when I first joined. But I didn't always despise him like I do now. I looked up to him, wanted to be him. He was easily the most talented out of all of us, full of courage and determination. In awe I would try to talk to him and offer to be his friend, but he just... shrugged me off, scowling at me and walking away. It took me a while, but I realised that Keith would never have time for me, or anyone for that matter. Instead of leaving him alone, though, I constantly tried to be better than him, arguing with him and making a competition out of everything. We were rivals. In some way, it made me happy to know that he knew that I existed, but it was a stab in the back when I finally realised that we would always be enemies.

Or maybe I hated him because I wanted to push away the feelings I felt.

Just maybe.

"Okay guys, breakfast is ready! It took me a really long time to get these perfect, since we don't have the same ingredients as on Earth, but I did my best!" Hunk said, placing three fluffy, golden pancakes onto each paladins plate.
My mouth watered in delight. "It looks great Hunk, thanks. Alright, I'm ready to start chomping on this!"
"We'll have to start without Keith. Where is he anyway?" Allura asked, frowning. "He's never usually this late..."
Pidge shrugged, half a pancake stuffed into her mouth. "I don't know. At least Keith's negative energy isn't completely ruining the mood like it usually does."

The room went silent. I could tell everyone agreed, but wouldn't dare to say it out loud. Only Shiro broke the silence, sighing loudly. "Come on guys, give Keith a break. He's been doing a lot for the team right now. He'll be here any moment now," he said, in his famous Dad Voice.
Hunk chewed on his last piece of pancake, and placed his cutlery down on his plate. "I think we can all agree that we're grateful that Lance and Keith aren't arguing this morning. We've had a break from all of your squabbling." Everyone nodded, and I rolled my eyes, pouting.

As weird as it sounded, I was worried about Keith. It was the first time he hadn't woken up before all of us, so something had to have been wrong. I knew I was overreacting, but I cared about him. I know, I know, it's always been Keith and Lance, 'neck and neck', but it didnt mean I still couldn't worry for him. It was different in a bad way, not seeing Keith sit next to me at the dinner table, trying to win a heated battle of 'who could eat the most food in the shortest amount of time' with me. I knew he was most likely hiding in his bedroom like he usually did, being the 'emo' and dark person that he was, but the more time I spent with Keith, the more I wanted him to be with me even longer. Even if we were just arguing.

Uncomfortable, I stood up, taking my empty plate to the dish rack. "I'm just gonna go check on Keith. He should've been down by now," I said, biting my lip anxiously.

Everyone pulled a face. Hank's jaw dropped, Coran's eyes bulged out of h head, and Allura cocked her head to one side.

"YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN LIKE EACHOTHER! AND NOW YOU WANT TO GO CHECK UP ON HIM? WHAT IS THE WORLD BECOMING?!" Pidge yelled, shocked by my statement. She seemed to have spoken for the whole crew.
"Okay, okay, I know it sounds weird, but usually Keith would've been up my now. I'm just making sure the Galra hasn't taken him... or... whatever... yeah I'm just gonna..." I sprinted out of the room, leaving the dining room in a frenzy. I ran down endless corridors just to find his room, all of the doors looking the exact same. Damn it Lance, why do you have to be so awkward? I didn't have to act like that. It's just Keith, annoying, rude, cute Keith.
NO... NO... I meant ...senseless.
My brain seemed to fail me as I slowed down to try and comprehend my thoughts. I did NOT just call Keith cute. We were rivals. He was definitely and utterly not cute, but the ugliest person I'd ever met. Yup. Totally. Sure.
I finally arrived at his room, holding up my hand to knock on the silver door, but I hesitated. I couldn't face him after what I'd thought. What would I even say to him? Oh yeah, just wanted to check up on you. Also I thought you were cute for a tick, so that's fun. I cringed, but rapped on the metal anyway. I just had to push away my momentary, confusing feelings, and focus on what was happening.

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