Let Me Start at the Beginning

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Quick Note:
This story is based in Season 1 cuz I know a lot of people havent finished the whole series yet. :3

Keith's Pov:

"Where.... where am I?" he whispered as he stepped out of the healing pod, paranoid and shivering in the cold. Everyone had left me alone with Lance, and had left with their lions to a mission to find out who had poisoned Lance, along with Coran. They suspected it to be Galra who had infiltrated the castle and spread Yeounal poison on the blade of the training bot.  If Lance even glanced for a second at another being, he would be confused and terrified, forgetting everything that I would've told him about his life. His brain wouldn't be able to handle anyone else, for then he would want to know who they were, which would be far too much information for his mental capacity.
When I suggested that I should stay with Lance, Hunk almost fainted, Allura's eye wouldn't stop twitching and Pidge just laughed for minutes on end. But Shiro stood up for me, and eventually, everyone agreed that I should stay, except I could tell Hunk was jealous. Him and Lance were best friends; they had been since their first day at the Garrison years ago. But I asked him to trust me with this. I needed him to trust me. Because even though Lance and I fighted a lot, we had a type of intimacy that no one else had. Not that type of intimate, you dirty, but we were so invested in being better than one another, that I actually realised I knew more than I thought I did about him. I knew what got him angry, I knew his pet peeves, I even knew his family since he'd tell everyone about them. And I knew that even though he hated me, he still cared.

"Hey. Do you remember your name?" I smiled, happy to see him awake.
"Um... My name is Lance...?"


He paused.

"I don't know."

My grin faded. It was horrible, seeing him like this. At least he hadn't completely forgotten everything - that would only happen if at the end of the week, he still hadn't recalled his memories. "Your name is Lance McClain. You're seventeen, and right now, you're safe." I helped him regain his footing, and sat him down on the makeshift bed.

"Who are you? And where am I?"He looked around worriedly, never making eye contact with me.
"I'm Keith Kogane. I was told that I should help you remember everything you've forgotten. You're in the Castle of Lions. This place is where you have lived for the year."

He stood up sharply, spinning his legs to the other side of the bed and glimpsed at the door. His voice was hoarse yet threatening. "I want to leave now. What have you done to me? Where is my family?"
I was told this would happen. I turned to face him again, slowly approaching and placing one hand on his. I felt myself blush deeply as he let me lead him out of the room and into the corridor. "Lance, you're okay. I'm going to take you to your bedroom, and there you can get a good nights rest. I know everything seems scary and new to you right now, but I promise you, everything is fine." His grip on my hand tightened as I smiled at him. He needed to know that I was someone he could trust.
"Your family are safe too. They're on Earth right now. Your older brother is Marco, and you love him but sometimes he's really annoying. You're very close with your older brother Luis and sister Veronica. You and Rachel don't talk much, but Sylvio, Nadia and Lisa are your best friends in the family."
Lance smiled slightly as he remembered them. At least, I hoped he did. His memory wasn't completely gone, but he still didn't remember who I was.

We walked hand in hand down the hallway, me telling him stories about his childhood and such (Hunk told me all of what I needed to know), and he giggled at the funny parts and saddened when I was obligated to tell him that his great grandfather had passed away. He was still Lance, but a more washed out version. He didn't talk much, and frightened at every noise which sounded around the castle, but he seemed comfortable around me, eventually placing his head on my shoulder as we walked to his bedroom.
I knew that I was going as red as a beetroot, and my heart beating out of my chest, but he didn't notice at all.

"...Keith, is it?"
I nodded.
"Who are you to me?"
He innocently looked at me, his eyelashes batting as he blinked widely.
I wondered if I should lie. Say we were friends. No, say we were best friends.
Maybe even say we were dating. But I couldn't. Even one wrong fact that I told him could jeopardize his memory forever, and we wouldn't have him back.

I sighed. "I don't know. We fight a lot, but I think we're friends. We compete in everything, and I know that you always try to be better than me. But I like talking to you. I like being with you."

He grimaced. "Really?"
"Yes, really." We stayed silent for a while, before arriving at Lance's bedroom door. I'd never been inside, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
His walls were covered in posters of Rihanna and Beyonce, and his bed was a mess of jumpers and papers lying around. Despite the clutter, it still smelled fresh, and clean, just like Lance did. He gripped onto my arm, shrinking behind me.
"Where am I? You never told me where I am, and what I'm doing here. Keith? Keith?" His pupils started to shrink, and his lip started to quiver. I knew he was agitated, but to help, I needed to stay calm.

"Here. Do you want to sit?"
He shook his head. "Where am I? What am I doing here?"
"That's okay. We can stand. But what I'm about to tell you is a lot of information. I need you to concentrate," I said slowly, making sure my words were clear and crisp. Lance nodded, his eyes darting about the room warily.

"Do you know of something called Voltron...?"

Okay so I know this part is short but fingers crossed a long one is coming out if you guys want one. Please please please comment to tell me if you like this story, it would really help me to carry on cuz I'm losing morale 😂Vote and share love ya❤

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