He's Gone

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Keith's Pov:   ⚠️MINOR BLOOD WARNING⚠️

Lance wasn't in the kitchen, or his bedroom. Usually he would be socializing with everyone, or flirting with Allura, but it was like he'd completely disappeared.

Maybe he's in the training facility.

I widened my eyes in surprise as I remembered what Shiro had told me. I hadn't checked the training facility! Luckily, it wasn't far from the west wing, so I was able to sprint there easily in a couple of doboshes. Once I arrived, I readied myself to open the door, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was... nervous. I had gone through shit, being a paladin of Voltron, but I was nervous to talk to Lance. LANCE. The person I had spent so much time hating, the person who I argued with on a daily. But I needed to make things right. I shoved down my minor anxiety and pressed the button for the door to open, gazing at the white, open space of the training deck. This place never ceased to amaze me, and everytime I came to train (every day, without fail) the experience became better and better. It was the one place I could be left alone to think in peace.
"Lance? Lance it's me, Keith. I just want to talk."
No answer.
Maybe he wasn't here after all. Except as I was scanning the room one last time before I left, I saw a figure lying motionless on the ground, a training bot standing in front of it with a sword. Squinting, I ran towards the body, hoping that they were okay. What if it was Lance? Was he injured? Was he dead? I knocked the thoughts of doubt out of my head as I grew closer to the figure. Its head was rolled onto one side, lying on its back. 

I groaned in anguish.

It was Lance.

"Lance? LANCE? Can you hear me? Please... please... wake up... please," I shook him, but he didn't seem to respond. His eyes had shut, and his mouth slightly separated. I took of his helmet and slapped his face. Still, nothing.

What if I gave him... mouth to mouth resuscitation? I didn't know if it would work, but I would do anything to get him back. I needed him to be here, awake and laughing in his goofy, dumb voice. I could feel myself lean closer to his face, and I paused, taking in his features, before plummeting my lips on his, pinching my fingers on his nose. I tried not to think of it as kissing Lance, but he looked so weirdly beautiful as I thought about it. No. I had to stay professional; I was simply saving him, nothing personal. I stayed like that for a tick, before slowly rising and pumping my hands on his chest three times. It didn't work. He was still limp, and cold in my arms. Gritting my teeth together, I examined his body, trying to make sure he had no wounds. As I did so, my eyes were drawn to a long gash on his arm, which had cut through the armour. How could I have missed this? He wasn't bleeding onto the floor, but blood soiled his perfect, smooth skin. There was nothing I could do other than call the others.

"GUYS! SHIRO?! ALURA?! ANYBODY, I NEED HELP! IT'S ABOUT LANCE!" I kept shouting, staring at Lance occasionally. What if he was gone? Forever? I never would be able to tell him how I'd felt.

Hunk ran into the Healing Room, placing him onto a bed in the centre of the pods. The rest of the Paladins were already there,  relieved to see that Hunk was able to transport him from the Training Deck to here. I tapped my foot on the floor repeatedly, unable to stop moving. Come on Lance, I thought. Don't die on me, man. 

Pidge typed furiously onto the tablet, examining the wound. "I don't know what's wrong with him - the training bots are not supposed to harm anyone. It's just a simulation. So maybe something else injured him. In fact, he probably did this to himself; he's so clumsy sometimes."

Allura crossed her arms. "When did you find him like this, Keith?"
"About ten doboshes ago. He was already lying on the ground. The only thing I saw there was a bot, and his bayard next to him."
"Did you try anything to help? I hope you tried to stop the blood flow," she said, watching from a distance as Coran examined the cut.
I blushed, feeling the heat prick my skin. I looked down at my feet still tapping. "I shouted at him, but that didn't work. I slapped him; still negative. I even tried mouth to mouth, but-"

Hunk's eyes popped out of their sockets, and he waved his arms about, squealing loudly. "MOUTH TO MOUTH?! O.M.G Keith, I didn't take you for the g-"
"Okay Hunk, that's enough. Coran, is there anything about the wound you need to tell us about?" Shiro cut Hunk off, giving him a warning look.
Coran stood up and stretched, his back clicking multiple times. "Actually, yes! I do think it's weird in itself that something was able to cut through Lance's armour AND his flesh, but it's lucky that whatever scarred him didn't touch his bone. However, there is a weird green lining inside the gash. I'm thinking that someone or something has injected it into his blood."

Frowning, I pushed Coran out of the way, and crouched down to Lance's level to see the cut. He yelped, tripping over his own feet in surprise. Funnily enough, Coran was right. A green substance stuck to his upper skin, dangling precariously and threatening to fall into the wound. Immediately, Pidge shot up, holding tweezers I didn't know she had, and shoved me out of the way to take the substance from Lance's gash. She  furrowed her eyebrows as she placed it carefully onto a glass slide, inspecting it.

"Do you know what it is?" Shiro asked, walking over to her to scrutinise it too.
"No, but if I put it here and scan it with this..." She held out her wrist and let a red laser pass through it, and a green screen lit up in front of her. "It says that this lining is actually a... a poison! Someone poisoned Lance?"

Suddenly, everyone stared at me.

"What, you think I did this?!" I said, my feet tapping even faster. "Just because we argue sometimes doesn't mean I'd intentionally poison him! Besides, as much as I'd like to, we need him to form Voltron. It couldn't have been one of us."

Coran gasped. "Oh! I know what this is!" Everyone looked towards him eagerly.  "It's Yeounal Poison. It was popular 10,000 years ago: lots of gangs and pirates used it when they committed a crime. it wouldn't kill you, but it would make the person poisoned forget everything. Who they are, where they are, and who everyone else is."

I gripped my arm. He would forget me.

"Eventually the substance ran out, so no one could use it. Usually only a drop or two would make them forget everything they've known in about two weeks, for you earthlings, but the fact that Lance has been knocked out means that hes been injected with an insane amount. That takes it down to about a week." Coran finished.
"Is there anyway to get Lance to remember everything?" I questioned, looking sadly at his face.
"There is one way, but it would take a great amount of effort."
"We'll do everything we can. What is it?" I said.

"We need one person only to stay with Lance for the week, telling him about his life. If anyone else sees him, he'll get confused and wonder why there are so many more people. But first, just get Lance into a healing pod. He won't be fully healed from the poison, but at least his wound will close." Coran said, sighing deeply.

I needed to be the one to stay with Lance. As crazy as it sounded, I knew I was the only one who could bring him back. And it would be an opportunity for me to get closer to him, and finally figure out what I may have felt for him.

Hi guys, a shorter chapter today but thanks for reading! Vote, comment and share plsssss❤❤ I know it's bad but I'm trying😂😭

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