That night

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A/N: It's not exactly plot but it does have a few important moments that'll be mentioned later in the book. Anyways, this is meeting sebra! I really don't want this book to be about romance (mainly cause I'm not the best at it) or at least have that be the main focus. So ima just dump all the sebra relationship stuff in this chapter and will also update as the series goes on. ++also, I'm going to stop labeling things as "plot" since this book is becoming more story than one shots++ also I apologize that this chapter is pretty choppy

"that night"

*takes place a week after Ari got the phone call from the doctor*

      Anytime Ari hung out with sebra it was rarely in the ponds household. They've only briefly met Sebra, but never fully introduced. Since Ari would talk about her constantly, they asked Ari to invite sebra over for their movie night and suggested a sleepover.  The last movie night they had didn't end so well and didn't want Ari to stop wanting to bond with them.
Which resulted in very anxious Ari who left the conversation quickly telling them from upstairs that she'd call Sebra to see if she'd "be down for that".

  Sebra lived a while away from their flat so they decided to pick up sebra instead of having her take a bus alone. Rory and Ari were on their way to pick Sebra up while Amy continued preparing dinner (aka waiting for pizza to arrive)  That entire car trip to Sebras was complete silence. He kept looking over at Ari who seemed to be texting who he assumed was sebra.

     Once Sebra was in the car she looked uncomfortable, since they both have never been fully introduced to one another. He's never heard Ari talk so loudly and excitedly as she did when having a conversation with Sebra. To the point where he even had to quiet them down at some point during the ride. He kept glancing at the mirror smiling fondly at the sight of Ari having her smile back.

      Sebra stood awkwardly at the door as well, Rory even had to assure her that it was fine for her to walk around their house. Amy was in the kitchen bringing out some drinks to their living room to start watching the movie they all chose (Ari had texted Sebra to ask for some opinions). After the movie they played monopoly and Sebra found out that she was really good at the game. She really started coming out of her shell that even Ari was suprised. Eventually alliances were formed and it was the ponds vs Ari and sebra. In the end they all somehow got bankrupt and decided to call it a tie. The ponds called it a night, letting the girls stay up "as long as they didn't get too loud". 

       Both of them just rolled their eyes at rory's comment and went outside to sit out on the patio while finishing what was left of the pizza. Ari was tempted to tell sebra who she really was and how her family worked out but decided against it. She herself still didn't fully know the importance of being the child of the doctor and River song. Before Ari could finish deciding Sebra was the one who opened up.
She told Ari about what truly happened to her parents and why she moved away from France to London. Ari wasn't sure how to react and did her best to comfort her even if Sebra said she had been alright. Despite sebra protesting againsts Ari's wanting to help she didn't care, she knew what it was like to lose parents and having to move into a new place, not entirely sure if you can call it home yet.

They stayed out for hours opening up to each other. How Ari truly felt about studying abroad, how homesick she really felt. Sebra about how she wished she was more like the kids her age, how the main reason she made her studies her main focus was because of her parents. How all she wanted to do was figure out what really happened to them. It was about 5 AM when they both agreed they had shared enough about themselves to last a life time and headed to Ari's room. Right as they were about to fall asleep Ari decided to open up a little bit more for that night. This time about the doctor, she decided to tell Sebra what she really was. It was the first time she had spoken or mentioned the doctors name since he left. She couldn't fight back the tears any longer while breaking down. She felt so confused as to why out of all people she decided to tell Sebra. At first she did her best to keep the timey wimey stuff out of it but gave up while explaining the ponds. Sebra was in shock at first but trusted that Ari was telling the truth about who she was. She let Ari know that she can talk to her about anything and that she was glad she told her such an important thing. None of them got any sleep that night but didn't care. They formed a bond that night and it will forever be one of their best shared memories.

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