a missing daughter

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It's been three days since I saw the doctor. The box was still there but everytime I tried to open it it was locked. He walked in so quickly. Why couldn't I do that?I walked past it as I left my house. My parents are really okay letting me go outside on my own, I know this entire town like the back if my hand. If I ever got in trouble I would know what to do. I walked past the box but stared at it for a few seconds before moving on. I've tried my best to pull it open but it's always locked. I'll try again when I get back. I was making my way to the art supply store, it's been a while since I've painted anything. I've tagged almost every corner in this town. But nobody knows it's me.

Except for my supplier though. AKA: Fernando Garcia, 35 year old store manager of the art supply store. And his son, 16 year old Lucas Garcia, he goes to Obsi. Prep. But they're really chill, say as long as I don't paint anything innapropriate or gang symbols they'll just keep letting me do what I do. I'm not the only one either. So that makes it easier. Anyways, I get a discount, half the price if I tell them where I'm going. One hundred percent free if I tell them what I'm doing. I have my sketches ready, they're always ready. There's so many of them sometimes I can't even choose. But I'm running out of places to tag the same goes for the other street artist here. Which doesn't make things easier. It's been a long while since I've been out. I just have to be careful. Like, high alert careful. I can't leave anything of mine behind. I have my backpack and made sure to have enough room for everything and extra room for anything. I was getting closer to the store. All I needed to do was cross a few more streets. I was about to take a right when i bumped into someone. We both fell back hard, it seemed like she was running. I was the first to get up and I looked around. Was she just a jogger? Nobody seemed to be chasing her. I dusted myself off and looked back at her. She was still sitting on the floor but was getting up. I held out a hand to help.

"Here." I offered. She accepted and I helped her up. She stood about a good seven inches taller than me. Great. I looked up at her she had big curly blonde hair, light blue eyes almost grey- wait.

"Thank you." She said.

"Do i know you?" I looked at her, I could've sworn I've seen her before. She also had a British accent. "Wait! Are you the Doctors wife? He told me about you! Are you okay? Do you need any help? You were running, but from what? Are you going somewhere? Do you need help getting there? I can help-" she cut me off by putting a hand up.

"No need, thank you." She walked a few steps past me but stopped. I heard a buzzing and she pulled out something from her pocket. It looked almost like a watch. I heard her sigh and mumble something angrily. "Why now doctor, is this really the best time?!" She whisper shouted to herself. She looked back at me and caught me staring. "You stare a lot don't you?" I looked down and nodded.

"Yeah, sorry, bad habit of mine." She sighed and I looked up. She was wearing a denim jacket over a white loose blouse. With some blue jeans to match.

"Guess it's my turn to talk to you." She said in a slightly under her breath. She smiled at me. "How are you? The doctor's said quite a lot about you. Astrology right?"

"Yeah, but I go by Ari...The doctor talks about me?"

"Of course, he's said so much about you. He can't even stop!" She rolled her eyes and turned away and started walking. "Come along." I did as she asked.

"Wait, why? We've only met twice. The last time we met was three days ago." We were headed the opposite direction of the supply store. Oh well, I guess I'll come back some other time. I frowned but still followed. Why would he talk about me? I'm starting to believe he really is a stalker. I waited for her to answer my question. I guess she wasn't by what she said next.

"You're eyes, what color are they?" I thought that was a strange question. I ignored the fact that she ignored mine but answered hers anyways. Maybe she just hadn't heard me.

" My dad says they're green but they sort of change, I guess. That's what my mom, Alex, says anyways. I never really noticed them. They're just my eyes. Why do you ask?"

"It was merely a question. A way to make a conversation. Your parents. By the way? Where are they? You always walk alone."

"That's what the doctor said as well. Why do you two say always? Like you've seen me for a while? Not to be rude, but are you two stalking me?" I stopped and she did as well.

"Don't be silly, we're just in the area and happen to see you whenever you're alone. You're never with anybody, except for the same girl everytime. The one who wears a red headband."

"Lady? That's her name."


I contemplated whether I should tell her about my parents. "Alright then, what do you want to know about my parents?"

"Why do they leave you alone? Or are you sneaking out?" She said with a smirk.

"No! Of course not. I'd loose their complete trust if I did something like that!" She laughed and kept walking. I jogged after her. "They go to work and I stay home. They know where I'm going, I just make sure to get back before they do." I mumbled the last part.

She laughed. "Alright then, guess that answers that. The doctor sees you alone and worries. He's a bit shy to talk to you sometimes." Shy?

"He always seems so full of energy. How could he be shy? And why would he worry?"

"Well, you see, we're looking for someone. Someone in important to us. Our daughter. He thinks she's here, he thinks I don't believe him."

"Do you?" I asked curiously, she sighed.

"I do, you see, sweetie. I don't want to bring his hopes up. He's always one for that, dreaming the impossible. I believe our daughter is here. I saw her once before, I know it's her. There's just something that worries me." She sighed and looked down at me. "Moving on." She said sternly, her once sincere voice now gone. "Where were you headed. It's almost Christmas, your school should be on holiday shouldn't it?" She gestured towards my backpack.

"Oh, I'm not going to school. I just like to carry my backpack." It's true. "Wait... If you saw your daughter? Why not tell your husband. You know it's her-"

"It's complicated." She cut me off before I could finish. I lowered my head.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"You're alright, there's no need to apologize." She patted me on the head. It was weird coming from her but it strangely felt okay.

"Say, Miss, where are we going?" I had just realized we were walking in the direction back to my house. Does she know where I live?

"You know that blue box? The one on the corner of your street?"


"The doctor says it's been long enough, he thinks you're ready to see the inside."

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