library **updated**

22 1 0

It's been a few days since Ari moved in with the ponds and within those few days, she has already left the house without alerting them. It hadn't been on purpose, it was mainly one of the things she'd forgotten to do before leaving, that and turning off the T.V. Which is what made Amy and Rory question where she had gone.
Amy woke up at six am to the theme song of another one of Ari's cartoons on full blast coming from downstairs, she immediately texted Ari,who was seated downstairs eating some corn flakes from a cup, and asked her to turn the volume down a bit. Ari replied with a simple "okay" and continued on watching her show. A few episodes later and she got bored real quick. There wasn't much to do in the pond household, she had fully explored their small backyard and didn't feel like unpacking. She put her cup of cereal in the sink and rinsed it a bit before putting it in the dishwasher. She walked around the house for a good five minutes, only to stop when Rory came out and told her to stop walking up and down the stairs. Ari then flopped back on the couch and looked at the clock, it was barely eight am. Ari is in no way a morning person but today was just one of those days where the universe didn't care. She woke up at the crack of daylight and hasn't been able to sleep since. Thus, why she's been up since five am.
Ari sat upside down scrolling through her phone. She'd been looking at messages from friends and family from last night. No doubt they're asleep right now so they won't be able to respond right away. She paused at one message sent by Lady, her foster sister who's also soon to be adopted by the stotles despite nearing the age of 18. Ari analyzed the message trying to read it clearly, it was written in one huge paragraph with several errors. This worried Ari but enlightened her a bit as well, the only times Lady has ever texted like that is when she's excited or in a panic. It made Ari question what already happened in the few days she'd been gone but decided to ask later and actually finish reading the text. It was a jumble of questions but two main ones stood out to her. How her school's campus was like and if it had a library.
      Ari immediately stood up with an adventure in mind as she finally had something to do for the day. She quickly rushed to her room taking two steps at a time being careful to not wake up her grandparents. She got her book bag and headed back downstairs and double checked if  she was missing anything. She checked her bag that consisted of her keys, wallet, and her phone, she looked around feeling as if she was missing something and shrugged it off heading out the door.
      The library was a bit of a walk but no bus was necessary. She followed the arrows on her phone that directed her in the way to the library that was closest to her schools campus.

   ~~time skip to  the library~~

    "Not impressive" was her first thought, made sense from Ari's perspective. She's been so used to the kids section in libraries, but even then the library in her hometown still had a sense of life. For starters this library it was practically empty, though it may have to be due to the fact that it was a Saturday morning. She looked around the building walking into the dead center of it. The ceilings were high and the entire thing had an old rustic vibe to it. It looked straight out of a Victorian castle. She continued exploring and came to terms that there indeed was no area for children's books and the whole library was a mixture of all the different genres that some Ari hadn't even known about. The place clearly hadn't been changed one bit since it was first built, there were no elevators in sight and the wood floor below the rugs were worn out. She decided she'd just go to a different library next time. There were like 100 more. So she decided she might as well keep looking around, she's sure she just wasn't looking hard enough.
     ***time skip: 9:30***
      Ari had finally found the area consisting of the young teen novels and was able to find a copy of some of her favorite books. She walked pass an aisle of books but stopped in her tracks. From the corner of her eye she spotted someone, she slowly turned to look down the shelves. Her eyes landed on a young girl who seemed about Ari's age, she clearly hadn't noticed Ari's presence, she looked deeply invested into her book, as Ari walked closer it looked like- poetry? It wasn't really down Ari's alley but who knows, maybe it was "Where the Sidewalk Ends". As Ari got closer she began noticing more details about the girl. Ari looked at her confused, she dressed so properly and put together. Not in a bad way, but seemed like a little too much for a school library.
      The girl wore a champagne colored off the shoulder blouse tucked into a red velvet skirt that was held up with a thick black belt. She still had yet to notice Ari so she used it to her advantage and sort of hid in place to take a better look at her before introducing herself. As the girl flipped a page Ari took notice of the several freckles lining her arms and shoulder, and even more on her cheeks. The girl had tan skin and amber eyes, what drew her attention the most was the girls hair. It was a strawberry blonde neck length asymmetrical bob with some frizzy curled up  bangs. To add on to her hairstyle that made it stand out even more was her undercut, it was pretty grown out and really noticeable, but not in the strange way. Somehow her whole look just fit perfectly. Upon first glance the girl seems so mature and polite Ari was beginning to rethink whether or not she may actually be in the same age group. She'd met several people who were short for their age so it wouldn't come to a full surprise. //A/N: if you're having trouble imagining her hair just look up Jane darling which was the main inspiration for the style//

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