an explanation

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I was seated at the foot of the stairs while the doctor and river explained to me everything. The tardis being real was believable but this? Not as much. was their daughter. They explained that's the reason they've been hanging around me. NOT stalking apparently. The two hearts. The DNA samples. It all adds up. But why now? The doctor spoke up.

"We know it might be difficult to understand all that is going on right now. But you have to believe us. We are you parents. " I shook my head and sighed.

"I believe you. But why now? Where have you two been? I've been going from foster house to foster house for the past thirteen years. And now you decide to show your faces." I admit I was getting frustrated. I wasn't going to mention the fact that I've settled in with the Stotles and that an adoption was already being planned out. They don't deserve to know about that.

"We understand you're upset Ari, if we could have gone back to the day you were born we would have already. Unfortunately this was the furthest we could go."

"I don't understand. What happened? My parents said I was born and before they can ask more information my biological parents - you two - were already gone. " I furrowed my brow. River stepped in.

"We were on earth at the time so we had no choice but to give birth to you here. To begin with you were born premature and had to be put immediately into NICU. Along with the fact that we couldn't have told them about the two hearts, it would cause a panic. We had to take a breathe because they wouldn't even let us see you yet. You were just a newborn child. We heard your cries and couldn't stand it. We had to take a breathe. We went into the tardis just to relax for a moment but the second we stepped in the Tardis started up. She sent us to who knows where. And ever since we've been trying to get back to that day."

"But why did it start up? Why did it send you two away?" I was still slightly angry. They could always just be making up excuses. The doctor spoke next.

"The Tardis can be unpredictable. She's not like a car. She's alive. She doesn't always takes us where we want to go....Just the places we need to be." This got me completely furious. I know it's selfish to say but wouldn't they need to be with me?! Didn't they need to be with their newborn child? I let it go but stayed angry. Not with them but with the tardis. Why was it so weird? At first I thought it was cool but now it just seems like a jerk.

" Fine." I said after a while. They loomed at me.

"Don't you have any more questions?" River asked concerned. I shook my head.

"Nope. I asked for an explanation and I got it. Don't need anything else. " She continued to look at me and finnally looked at the floor.

"Alright then." She looked up towards the doctor, who looked back at me.

"Yeah?" I asked. The situation felt awkward and you could sense it from a mile away.

"Anyplace you would like to go?" He asked with a grin. Neither River or I returned it.

"I'd like to go home." I said. He froze and his grin stayed but looked unreal.


"No hard feelings, I'm sorry, it's just... my parents," i looked down "my foster parents. Its been almost two years with them now." I took all my will power not to mention my adoption. They shouldn't know. Who knows what they'll do? Claim the rights for my custody? Stop the adoption ? I don't want to risk anything. Not when I'm this close to having a normal life. Eventually I'llget so used to living with them I'll look back in the future and it'll almost seem as if I was never in foster care. That I'm not just an adopted child. I would really be their kid. He sighed and started up the tardis.


The doctors daughter one-shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt