the phone is ring~ing

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It's been a couple of months since I've met the ponds, and two weeks since I've moved in with them. The life style's really different and did put me into a bit of culture shock. But, it was just a bit, I'm sure I'll get used to living here. I've already made a new friend, though I sometimes question if she even wants to be friends with me but I'll ignore the thought, we're both new to the new people thing so it makes sense.
.Ari stared at her journal entry, they've been getting shorter. She heard the phone ringing downstairs. Amy'll get it she thought, and closed her journal while slumping down in her chair. She hasn't had much motivation to write in her journal, there wasn't much to write about anyways. She could write about school or how she's felt about the move, but she doesn't even know where to begin with. There's been so many things happening and she doesn't know how to process it. It's not necessarily bad, it's just too much. For one, the moment she graduated she didn't have time to fully say goodbye and immediately left the morning after for England. Then having to adjust to a new way of living, she had lived in that city her whole life, she knew it and everyone who lived there like the back of her hand. Sure she didn't know everyone personally, but they were never strangers. Here she didn't even have a clue to who her neighbors were. Even just living with the ponds was a big change. She forgot what it was like to move in with a new family. The move reminded her so much of the different foster homes she'd been in, the good and the bad. The first night she couldn't sleep, or the next, or the one after that. It was only till she passed out on the couch that she finally got some decent rest. Lady was always around, and if not she always had someone nearby, she had a lot of cousins from Alex's side and grew pretty close to them, even slept over at their house with no issues. But here, she had no one. Amy and Rory had work and didn't come home until the evening most of the time. She knew they were aware of her solitude and understood that they couldn't do much about it. She noticed that it gave them a sense of guilt so she did her best to reassure them that it was okay. And on top of all that school was going to be starting up and she still wasn't that used to the streets of her new city. She constantly thought about what would happen if she had to take a different route and how she'd get back to the ponds house. What would happen if the weather was bad and she had to stay in school with all those strangers? How long until she gets used to the way of living here? Until she built up the courage to make new friends? Everything just felt like too much for ari and she didn't know how to feel.

    The phone rang again downstairs and she groaned and looked at the time. It was about 4:44 pm. She remembered that Amy and Rory wouldn't be back from work until five. She sighed loudly and lazily got up making her way downstairs as the ringing continued. She grumbled as the ringing got louder the closer she got and thought about how to answer. It was probably a scammer or something, one who wouldn't stop calling. Right as she was about to pick it up it stopped. She stared at it for a good second.

   "AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME" Saying through gritted teeth and wanting nothing more than to throw the phone across the room. Annoyed that she walked down the stairs for nothing she decided she may as well get some food. Opening the fridge door the phone rang again as Ari rolled her eyes and slammed it shut walking over to the phone and aggressively picking it up. She mentally calmed herself down in hopes she wouldn't come off too rude when she spoke, just as she was gathering her words to call off the person on the other line, telling them she doesn't want what they're selling a familiar voice cheered from the other line.

   "About time! I was wondering when you'd pick up, I've been calling for hours-" the person paused as Ari stood there in shock not knowing what to say or do. The man was interrupted by a woman that sounded like she was nagging at him. "Fine- ten minutes, but you two know I can't wait that long! So anyways i was thinking about Harenda! I don't know why it took me this long to realize how fun it is- small planet hidden behind Saturn by the way- the renanians are some of the most eccentric people I've ever met! Really! They all sleep in treehouse- WITH bunk hammocks! How cool is that?! So what do you guys say?!" Ari didn't know what to feel or how to respond. She was a mixture of confusion and anger- how many times has he called them before-? Had he always had their number? Why now? Did he know she was with the ponds? Did they tell him- Why didn't they tell her?? Her knuckles were turning white to how tightly she was gripping the phone and her eyes were starting to tear up from all the mixed feeling and the strange pounding in her head that hadn't seemed to stop since she got there. "Amy-? Rory? You two there? We can go to another planet if you'd like-"

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