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This also consists of things I forgot to mention, or just more detailed as to what happened. And might write some chapters about the things I didn't exactly mention.

Around The first week of December Ari went on her first adventure into the tardís. The tardis didn't want to let ari go back but eventually realized how much trouble and worry it was causing Ari. She stopped "acting up" and went back to Ari's timeline, except it wasn't when she expected to land. Instead of dropping off Ari and her parents the same day she was taken, she dropped them off two weeks after, which happened to be Christmas Eve. The stotles heard the tardis and were already out of their house and saw the time machine land in their neighborhood alleyway. The doctor and river song took almost the entire day explaining to the stotles who they were and what had happened. The stotles kept an opened mind and forgave the tardis and invited them to Christmas dinner. The next day was a bit of an issue, during Christmas dinner Ari began remembering how much she loved the stotles and having them as her parents. It was clear to the doctor and river song that they had formed a close family and were really attached to one another, sharing inside jokes and playful arguments about previous events unknown to the doctor and his wife. River song, feeling some newfound jealousy brought up the topic of Ari's adoption and stated she didn't wish for the process to continue which started an argument between her and Alex, Ari's foster mom. Things got heated quickly and both the doctor and Matt (Ari's foster father) decided it's best for the doctor and river to leave to avoid anymore conflict. The two men apologized to one another and went their separate ways, in Matt's case, to the kitchen to eat some pie. After the fight Ari has been attempting to talk to the doctor and river, she tried so often she got grounded for going out once at 3 in the morning. After a few days Matt got angry at the doctor and river song for ignoring Ari. Him and Alex went to negotiate with the doctor and River song as to what to do with Ari and who she gets to stay with. Matt suggested they come back once Ari is older and that he and Alex would explain to her what would happen. All four of them knew it was best but they also knew if would hurt Ari. In response to this River suggested that she and the doctor leave a note instead explaining why they would leave her without even saying goodbye. They all agreed and the doctor and river wrote a note and left it on Ari's pillow since she was asleep and hoped she'd find the note when she woke up. However, she woke up in a hurry due to hearing the tardis leaving, she quickly ran out of her room throwing her blankets to the side and hid the letter. Once she got out the door it was too late, the tardis was long gone and she stood at the door in disbelief. She stormed up to her room and made a mess conflicted as to why they would leave her. Thinking that Ari read the letter already, Matt and Alex didn't mention their conversation with the doctor and river song or even the letter itself. They felt it would break her even more with just the thought of them. A couple years go by and future Ari stumbled upon the  ponds when she was on her own little adventure. Upon realizing that they don't know who she is, she explained everything to them. Future Ari gave them information on how to find their Ari and told them about the state that regular Ari had been in. Despite having a million questions they understood that explaining to their Ari that they were her grandparents would be difficult and require a lot of patience. Future Ari left and the ponds immediately called the stotles, they told Ari who they were and what their relation to the doctor was. Ari was about to hang up with anger not wanting anything to do with her birth parents but Amy quickly told her that they too haven't heard from him in a long while. Ari gave them a chance and eventually found comfort with them. In that same year she graduates and gets surprised that Amy and Rory flew in to the U.S to finally meet her in person ( something they and the stotles planned in secret). They stayed for about a week and the stotles brought up the topic about letting Ari study abroad since they know it's something she's always wanted to do. The ponds were happy to declare that they had a room ready for Ari and they'd happily be her host family if she'd decide she really wants to study over seas. Obviously she didn't neglect the offer and moved in with them that summer. And the rest is still yet to be published. (:

I'm definitely writing chapters on this. As I've mentioned before I've been having terrible writers block with this story, mainly because I don't know what to do with it. But writing this recap/summary has made me realize just how much I can do with this. Anyways, thank you for being patient with me and reading my story it means a lot knowing people like what I write. ☺️

A/N I wrote at 3 am:

It's been so long and I know I keep apologizing but just know it's probably never gonna stop. Anyways some background of this entire fan fiction, Ari has been  an OC I made when I was like 12 or so, now I'm 16 (yay), she's gone through so much development and different changes, at first she wasn't even a doctor who Oc, she sort of was just in my brain as a character to make but didn't know where to put. Something else to know is that I don't use Wattpad as my main writing source anymore (I mainly write on paper and it's a pain or my phone's notes) I've been reading previous chapters and wish I took this story more seriously in terms of my writing. Sure it's only been a couple of months but my writing has definitely changed for the better (or at least I hope it has). I'm not sure where this authors note was going, I guess just to give a reason as to why there might be a difference of how I write the characters (mainly Ari) and why my writing wasn't the best/ my proudest works. So once again, thank you for those who read my story and being patient with it, I plan on coming back to wattpad more and even writing more stories other than this one. So as I've said a million times before, thank you all so much! I know not many people read my story but those of you who do mean the world to me! Thank you again and have a good day!

The doctors daughter one-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ