Merry Christmas!

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  It was around midnight. I couldn't sleep. I know my mom, Alex, just wants the best for me. I covered my face with my pillows as I gave a loud grunt. I headed down stairs quietly and went to grab some pie. As i was slicing my piece a crazy idea came to mind. 

Doctor POV

I heard a knock on the tardis doors. Confused, I checked the monitor to see who was outside. It was Ari! I rushed to open the door. I quickly shoved her inside and put my coat on her. She had a plate on her hand with what looked like pie on it. 

"Ari! Do you have any idea what time it is? What are you even doing up? You shouldn't even be out in the cold!" I closed the door behind me and walked to the monitor. "It's snowing! What were you thinking ari?" She sneezed. "You're sick-!" 

" Am not! Can everyone just stop yelling at me!" She shouted at me angrily annd flopped down on the steps, I sighed and sat down next to her. "I brought you some pie." She said pouting, handing me a fork and the plate. 

"Sorry," I said apologetically.

"It's alright, I yelled as well." She grumbled and put my coat on properly, well as properly as she could, it was still three sizes too large. 

"I meant about tonight. About river. I talked to Matt, your dad. He apologized as well." She buried herself even more when I called Matt her father. "Are they really the longest couple you've stayed with?" 

"Yeah." She looked away. 

"Ari, if they mean a lot to you, it's alright if you want to stay with them, we're not going to make you choose." 

"But you guys mean a lot to me too." She turned to look at me. Why was this so complicated? A part of me wished there was no adoption and that her foster parents would happily give her up. But that would be terrible for Ari. 

"Say, have you got any friends?" I just realized, the only people she's ever talked about is that Lady girl. 

"Mainly just Lady, every now and then I hang out with Lucas, but my mom doesn't really like him. She says he's not safe. Whatever that means." She looked mad about that. 

"Do you two really get along? Alex, i mean" I asked eating a bit of the pie. 

"Of course! Why would you even ask that?" She looked at me with disbelief. "Sure we don't see eye to eye, but we still love each other, that's just how... parents are, I guess. I don't know." She looked down confused and sighed. "Anyways, I should probably head back, in case My parents wake up. I only came to drop of pie. It was dessert..but. stuff happened." She got up and sneezed again, her eyes stayed squinting a second after. She's DEFINETLY getting sick. She started walking towards the door.

"You're right. I'll walk you there." She stopped. "What's wrong? " 

"I locked the door to my house when I left." She cringed at herself and I laughed. 

"Is that it? In case you forgot, I've still got my sonic" 

"Oh yeah!" She yawned through a smile. Her nose was starting to look red. I just realized she still wasn't wearing any shoes. 

"Why haven't you worn any shoes?" I asked concerned. She looked down at her feet and laughed. 

"Oh yeah, forgot to put them on." 

"And at dinner?" 

"Simply didn't want to" she shrugged smugly.

"Alright, well you can't walk in the snow like that, who knows how worse you'll get!" 

"Well, what do you suggest?" Ari was already out the door. 

"I'll just carry you, you can't be that heavy." 

"Are you sure?" She asked confused. 

"Of course." With one swift move I picked her up and put her on both of my shoulders. She was pretty small so it was easy to carry her.

 We made our way to her house, the snow wasn't that deep, maybe I was exaggerating. She was still barefoot, i couldn't have let her walk like that. We stopped at her doorstep and I pulled out my sonic screwdriver. I scanned the door and it clicked open. 

Ari began to fall to sleep on our way here so I shook her to tell her she can go now. It was dark and hard to see, I decided to take the risk and carried her to her bed. If she was by herself she would've turned on the lights and waken her foster parents. The last thing I want for her tonight is to get in trouble because of me, I'm more quieter and can easily just slip in and out of the house. 

Closing the door behind me I made my way up the stairs . 

"What's going on?" Ari whispered. I put her down and explained everything to her. "I could just say I was grabbing some water. " She simply stated. She was right. I took a mental note that she may in fact, outsmart me someday. Like right now. 

"So you'll be fine on your own?" I whispered sadly. 

"Yeah, I mean, we're already here." We had reached her room and she hugged me. "Merry Christmas dad, you better get going." I hugged back and Ari gave me back my coat, I insisted she keep it till next time but she said her parents might wonder how it got in her room, again, she had a point.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I kissed her on the forehead and headed down the stairs as she closed her bedroom door. 

A/N: small one shot!

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