Adopted by the Stotle's

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A/N: short chapter, mostly just a fill in on what happened

"Do you really believe his name is the doctor?" I asked Lady.

"Ari, what did we say about believing everything you hear?" She replied.

"Not to do it unless it's the Russo brothers on twitter?" She rolled her eyes at me. I reassured her. "Just kidding."

"I know. It's probably some title people call him by. Or something"

" yeah, or something."

>timeskip: after library in Aria's house at dinner <

" So what did you and Lady to today?" Matt asked me taking a bite of his lasagna. He's my foster dad. "Anything interesting happen?"

" Not really." I put my fork down and thought over the days events. Wait. "Actually, there was one thing." He nodded and looked up.

"What was it?"

"In the morning Lady and I saw this strange man-."

"Ariii, no llames people strange." Alex said to me, she had a mexican accent which was showing through just now. In case you havent figured it out she's my foster mom.

"Right, sorry. It's just that he just stood out a bit. Well, a lot. For starters he was wearing a suit and a bow tie. And had a British accent. Not saying that's strange. It just caught me and Lady off guard. " I explained them the rest and got them up to speed of what happened. "And lastly he called himself 'the doctor' he said it was his name."

"Ay, Ari what did we say about talking to strangers? "

" Lady was right there, so was miss.panama." She nodded but still gave me a look.

"Your mom- Alex, is just looking out for you." I nodded. "Besides, he was probably an actual doctor or just messing with you two." I wanted to add in the part where he said we'll most likely see each other again but decided against it. Alex would probably flip out and never let me leave the house in fear that he was a stalker. "Overall it sounds like you had an interesting day." I laughed mostly because that was just my morning the rest of the day was just an empty blur of what happened.

"Yeah, what about you two?" I continued eating as they answered.

"Not much." Matt looked over towards Alex. They both gave each other a look. Alex nodded and Matt continued. "Actually, Ari. You've been with us for quite sometime now. And Alex and I just wanted to talk to you about what that means." Oh, it was that type of talk. The only thing I can imagine right now is ways they're gonna tell me I have to leave. But I've been with them for so long, I have my own room, they really seemed to love me. "You've been in most of your other homes for at most just a few weeks. And you've stayed with us for almost three years now. If anyone took you away from us we would never know what to do. Even if your biological parents walked right through that door, we wouldn't give you up without a fight. Obviously, unless you would want us to..." It was getting awkward and we could all hear it in his voice. "What the point is Ari. You've become part of the family. You've become like our real daughter. You ARE our real daughter. We were hoping if it was okay to make it official. Legally, I mean."

"What he means is adoption." Alex put in. OH! "It's alright if you need more time. We understand. We haven't said anything to anyone yet except for you. We wanted to get your approval before starting to make things official."

I thought for a second. It would be nice to have a real family. Blood or not. That's what Alex would always say. And plus I wouldn't be so ashamed of saying foster parents every time. I'll be able to say my actual parents. "Sure! That would be lovely!" I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Amazing!" They both got up and embraced me in a warm hug. "You're going to be a Stotle!" Matt shouted. I laughed and they joined with me. I was finnally gonna have a family. A real one. And nothing is going to change my mind on that.

~a few blocks away from the stotle house~

Nobody's POV

There was a blue telephone parked on the street corner. It was dark and was hidden by the night. So no one questioned that it had never been there before. Inside were two people. A husband and wife. The doctor and river song.

"Are you sure it's her?" River asked a bit unsure, leaning against the railing.

"Of course it's her. I did my math, in all of time and space this is the most likely-est place where she would end up!" He was getting impatient and was running around the console of the tardis pressing buttons and pulling levers. "Why aren t you more excited? It's her. It ACTUALLY HER! We found her. All we need to do now is confront her about who we really are. Who she is to us." He looked over at his wife who had a skeptical look on her face. " The only girl on this earth with two hearts, she's thirteen. The age our daughter would have been." He walked up and leaned against the railing next to her. He spoke in a calm voice. " She's the only one who it can be. What's holding you back from accepting it?"

" Do we even have actual proof it her? Or at least a DNA sample?! " She stood up and faced him.

" The tardis brought us here so we have to do the rest. She can't do everything for us. I scanned her, two hearts. Ari was her name, but it could also just be a nickname."

"You couldn't scan her to get a DNA sample? Or at least more information?" She sounded impatient but the doctor kept his calm tone.

"It doesn't work that way?"

"Why not? You've done it several times before!"

"River, there's something else bugging you isn't there?" Her face was a bit red and she looked impatient. He knew his wife, at least, he hoped he did. She wasn't giving him the full story.

"It's nothing. This Ari girl just doesn't seem like it." He knew she wasn't going to answer him and left it for now. He can come back to it later.

He got up and pushed one last lever up. "Fine, I'll tell you what. We'll each spend some time with her for a while and see what we think. After that we'll both talk to her. If you're still not convinced then we'll keep looking if you wish." He knew he was taking a risk saying that. He knew Ari was his daughter. Why River didn't believe him he couldn't understand. But he knew she'll have to believe him once she spend time with her.

"Alright. " she sighed.

The doctors daughter one-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang